Alex Beyer

Nice. Took me couple of too many seconds to get what was going on.

The most obvious issue is that Nintendo is "reviewing" all submissions, so essentially they're now using YouTube as a branch of PR. This isn't new: prerelease access of many titles to YouTubers has been on the explicit proviso that the YouTubers don't present the title in a negative light, for example, and the lack of

Black Mirror anyone?

Literally the worst color in the Crayola box.

Are you saying they didn't travel lightyears of space to be baptized ? What could they possibly have wanted else ???

WHOA!! Where did you get this? Never heard anyone say this theory before. How did you come up with this?

Impressive rebuttal there, Chippy!

Doesn't Jesus live on some faraway planet in Mormonism?

I won't spend it on either

Watches in general are pretty pointless. Unless you're scuba diving. Anyone wearing a watch today only does so to make a fashion statement.

Better spend 60k on a piece of art and masterfull craftsmanship than 350$ on an Apple Watch.

I kinda want to strangle anyone who spends $60,000 + on a watch.

I read more than half of this and still didn't understand why people are mad. Can someone fill me in? I just can't read anymore while constantly asking myself "but why are people so angry?"

Egyptians are not typically black. At least as any modern person would define a "black" person. "Black" people trace roots back to Sub-Saharan Africa. Asking why an Egyptian isn't being played by a black person is like asking why one isn't being played by a Chinese person.

Different...Would be the word... Player movement held up fine, but shooting each other was a bit iffy. Grenade timers seemed to increase from 5 seconds to about 30 seconds too :P

It's a torrent player.

Popcorn Time is just a torrent player and as such thoroughly illegal for most people.