Alex Beyer

What's interesting (and by that I mean disturbing) is that I seem to remember one of the other contestants who broke the silence saying the same thing, that the doctors would give them some electrolyte and/or saline concoction and the trainers would advise them not to drink it, especially before weigh-ins. So it

I just wanted to share that I googled how many calories are actually in blood because I was curious (425/liter), but was totally creeped out by the other people asking that on the web (vampires?).

once told by a trainer not to drink electroylyte-balancing liquids prescribed by the show's doctor because it would "ruin her one last chance to save her life.

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

There are two types of people in the world.

My mom had a series of nervous breakdowns after I was born. She tried to kill herself five times within a couple of years - until she left my dad for good. So she farmed me out to whoever would take me. My dad was very mentally abusive to all of us. I have an older brother who has a different dad. One of the times we

What kind of cunt thinks up that shit? I'm sorry.

I think it's pretty awful to assume that this lady uses AOL. She can't be that out of touch with reality, can she?

Oh yeah. I've seen it happen over and over. I mean as an adult I get that there are three sides to every story: Mine, yours and the truth - but the angry self - righteousness of people who physically abused me and literally abandoned me (as opposed to the equally sucky emotional abandonment) makes flames grow out of

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

Welcome to Iwata's Nintendo. Dude, needs to go. And the fact of the matter is, they will continue to pull this shit because the sheep and apologist allow Nintendo to pull this shit.

Devs' don't care about Vita, you say? I dare to respectfully disagree with you. For a fan of Japanese games, there is hardly a better system than the Vita.

No reason at all for them to release a fix to that years after.

$50 says this prevents the firmware flashing method that's been around for 5+ years

If the company can't afford a $10 tip on pizza, they aren't giving out raises or bonuses.

On the several occasions that I've paid with the company card, I always make a point to tip more than usual. It's not my money, so I don't lose much sleep.

Tactical Dick Sock - BEST BAND NAME EVER!!!

This is not true. I do it all the time to pull drywall dust out of the air when doing home renovations. It works just fine.