Alex Beyer

The names of those two were probably outsourced to the PR/branding company that came up with Zune and Kin. Same genetic material...

Palm Pixi and Prè.

Another lame-named gadget: Chevrolet Bolt

Added benefit: they must be shoveling the snow from every driveway on the block

Have to agree... was expecting great things having read all the glowing reviews, but even the trailer barely raised a chuckle, and that's never a good sign. My wife thought it was one of the worst films she's ever seen.

There are some better, cheaper, brighter LED bulbs at walmart now. I have a 60watt equivalent LED in my bathroom that I got at walmart for $5, and its every bit as bright as a 60watt incandescent. Its also 2700K, giving the warm color temp I love about incandescents. The technology is there to eventually replace

OMG! A CES story on Gizmodos main page rather than in the sub blog ghetto?! What a glorious day.

AntiSocial lets you specify any websites that distract you, and disables just those.

We get it, Halo's kind of the only good thing you've got going for you.

Halo is so 2009. Not even excited for Halo 5, at all. May buy it when it hits $20.

Can this be used for any application? Let's say I want to use it to code instead of writing literature, etc.

I'm not sure how it is in other states, but Texas at least if you aren't in a protected crosswalk or something of the like the car has the right of way.

I don't get the reference... :(

I just want a 9V battery that warns me a week in advance that it is going to die. Because when the battery in one of our four smoke detectors needs replacing, the detector does a high pitched chirp every few minutes, which completely freaks out my poor dog, and this inevitably happens at 3 in the morning on a work

Except for the fact that states are moving to the requirement that you replace smoke detectors that use 9 volt batteries to smoke detectors that have a 10 year sealed battery. So 9 volt battery smoke detectors are on the way out.

really hope this isn't just vaporware, because this is a great idea

You could charge via car battery for the few days power was off pretty easily.

When we had a power outage last week that lasted all evening, when my cell phone was almost dead? Yes, I used a corded landline phone, which thankfully was independently powered by the telephone company.

do you also use a landline instead of a cellphone?