Alex Beyer

Cant go wrong with 3.99

Cant go wrong with 3.99

"To parry, press the 'circle-with-a-dot' button. To attack, press the 'three-wavy-lines' button."

There's approximately 12 minutes of content that justifies this television.

wow, you're right those might aswell be hieroglyphs. poor poor design.

Not necessarily... When multiple antennas are in used, the signal is reflected along other antenna elements along the path. You could theoretically have a longer range... but at the expense of a limited direction. Its a similar principal to using Yagi antennas. (look it up on wikipedia) With six antennas here... it

You'd think having too many antennas would deaden the signal by cross cancellation?

NOPE! MIMO is essentially a multi radio, multi polarity antenna system. In other words it is designed to saturate absolutely every bit of legal airspace there is in it's range.

3D is still a thing? i thought it was dead.

I'm pretty certain windows 8 does. 2 motherboards I just bought have a 4k support sticker on it. ...2 different brands and price points. ..so...

Shouldn't it though?

Flat keyboard are so much better for typing and gaming. I don't get it either. And I game a lot, and have lots of use for the keyboard as well, unlike wasd people.

I'm with you.

Red keyboard? Yuck.

No 4k display? Lame.

I really dont get the appeal of a mechanical keyboard...

That laptop looks awful familiar...

It would reassemble itself and gruesomely kill the shooter?

There are going to be some very happy ants.