Alex Beyer


nice catch. Looks like someone's done this before?

It's tempting to react to your mobile phone every time it buzzes, but you need a bit of space to control your impulses. Apps don't want you to think (designers and developers are obsessed with removing "cognitive overhead"—which is the delay between you getting a notification and succumbing to the urge to look at your

Mobile games reminding you to play them? Really? That's a thing?

Interesting rule of thumb, thanks for sharing.

Okay, it's actually a scene from Rubik's Cube: The Movie

I started turning off app notifications a while ago. Best thing to do with annoying games.

Besides, it's no good, when apps get clingy.

That's what it reminded me of halfway through

Odds are that 1/6 of the colors will already be on a side they will end up on so you would only have to fix about 84% of them (that's ~1,456 which would only be 3 per minute).

quick way to do it in cmd: wusa /uninstall /kb:xxxxxxx

with 1734 stickers, you'd need to take off and put back on about 3 and a half stickers per minute. Doable.

I don't know... that's a LOT of stickers, and they're really small. I feel like it would take around eight hours to do a proper job.

Eh, I am pretty confident that I could remove and reapply the stickers much quicker than that.

I know that, I mean it makes no sense in the context of being a real picture.

It really makes no sense. She's wearing a realistic JFK mask while he's wearing a shitty one?

Holy shit yes a thousand times yes, I have accidentally bought a select a size pack at BJ's so I had to deal with those monstrosities of paper towels for like 30 rolls. you can bet I was using like 6 sheets to wipe up a little spill just to get rid of it