Alex Beyer

Those cars have been asalted

It pours...

Why not make a concrete solution inside of this building?.. come on already. I feel bad for the people who got the cars damaged but i also once had that issue at work.. Concrete mix fucked up my paintjob and they had to get about 8 cars detailed just to get them looking normal, didn't help it was raining.

I like the feature. Maybe a little too basic at this point. I don't know. Also, I wish they hadn't changed the interface the way they did. For my setup and its resolution, the analyes and clean buttons have disappeared somewhere. To fix that, I'd have to change display settings, which would mess with the layout of

Cap guns were a big part of my childhood. Man what fun! You don't see many of the revolver with the round caps or the auto style with the rolled up snap paper. I remember you could go to the flea market and get the imported revolver cap gun, pull off the orange tip, and practically shoot yourself with tiny bits of

Why wouldn't it be?

... and yet... you can still not click on it. Or... you can mark it as spam. Or... you can delete it.

"But Facebook also breeds a culture of positivity."

holy shit. the guy actually got customer service from Facebook?

All he had to do was to either EDIT the damn thing PRIOR to sharing, or simply choose to ignore it/hide it from his timeline, and it would have never been seen by anyone.

Because Facebook clearly caused his loss.

but how do you get people to come to your pity party :(

... if you don't want to be reminded of a shitty year - don't click on the shitty video?

Always something to complain about for the ever butthurt.

I'm definitely not a fan of Facebook in the least. In fact, my usage has basically died down to just the occasional picture posting for the lone sister who is still using it. But sometimes, it makes sense not to be offended where no offense was intended. That Facebook can be stupid is well-known. The best

As someone who works in a clinical environment, please note that just because something is outside the normal range, doesn't mean its something to worry about. A lot of times things will be transient and things are often technically abnormal when they aren't actually clinically significant. For example some people

1) I hate Ubisoft's practices but I HAVE to play their games.

That's funny, it's exactly because of that shitty DRM that I pirate their games.

Pirated it, have the slider. Think the update is being packaged with pirated copies at this point I guess.

Fascinating. I've never thought about inflation on a state-by-state level. Thanks for sharing!

In Red Alert 2, you could load up a map, and start building for about a minute, then all your buildings would explode.