Gray as the Day is Long

Yeah he came home to the same place his old white ass left for white as Rice Vermont. Man you guys here at Jezebel & Splinter love you some old ass, underachieving white guys.

White Reggae band

I hope to be the Democratic nominee and have the support of the whole Democratic Party behind me.”

My problem with Sanders is he is too much of a grandstanding bullshiter. He deals with not getting his way by shouting and pouting. Putting down those who don’t necessarily agree with his “burn it all to the ground” mentality.

Bernie can eat a bag of dicks. Bernie can take his cult members supporters and go back to Vermont to continue accomplishing nothing in the Senate. Is the press going to continue to give him a free pass or are they too busy reporting on Amy Klobuchar’s all caps emails or that time Kirsten Gillibrand was less than gracio

This is an incredibly unfair assessment. He can also talk about issues important to young white men.

Scrutiny of candiates is good. A double standard is not good, especially when most people don’t or can’t acknowledge it’s even a thing.

Yup. I mean there are amazing female candidates and yet the media and the electorate seem to prefer anyone with a penis no matter how flawed they are. If we matched the accomplishments of the people who announced they are running, note I said announced their candidacy, the women candidates are more accomplished,

Yes but any trope about Jews And “benjamins” aka money is a pretty obvious and loud dog whistle. It is good that she got called out for this. She should know better. 

Bernie has a pretty similar reputation as a boss in Vermont. They’ll dredge that up soon enough

She supports Green energy and Medicare for All; she just isn’t naive enough to think that “tee hee, tax the rich and we will easily completely overhaul our national structure” is a feasible plan. She knows that shit rarely gets done overnight and that while platitudes might “inspire” they don’t always make for sound, f

Having worked for politicians in gofer roles for more years than i’d like to recall, i can tell you, they almost all tend to be grumpy twits to their support staff. That Klobuchar is being hit with this rap is almost certainly a hit job reserved for female candidates. And/or can you imagine being a staffer for the

Our cows in Minnesota are far too polite to fart.

One of the greatest displays of community spirit I’ve ever witnessed was on the L at rush hour. It was so crowded I could barely get my coffee mug to my face, but there was this woman hauling an obviously miserable six year old child who started to make little retching sounds, and someone else yelled “WE NEED A BAG

Hey thought I recognized that stupid mug up there...it’s the same dummy who was positioning himself as the Repub Alexandria O-C. I somehow don’t think being a total asshole to grieving parents is something the two have in common. 

This Discount Knock Off of Devin Nunez needs to be run out of town on a rail. He claims to be troll for the right. He’s just an asshole. Manuel Oliver came to America gained citizenship for his family to escape violence. His son was tragically murdered because politicians like that troll prioritize gun fetishes over

Good for Manuel Oliver not letting this asshole spew his racist useless bullshit, and terrible he has to deal with this NRA-bought scum while trying to find justice for his son. The fucking wall should not be discussed in connection to gun violence, especially when 90% or more of mass shootings are perpetuated by