Gray as the Day is Long

Russian or incel?

But if Bernie drops out, who will the “progressive” guys who would rather die then vote for a woman get to stan for?

Jezebel is apparently trying to be Splinter’s “Cool Girl” now.

I was inspired by both of Hillary’s campaigns and here’s why: Because she is competent. Because she has experience. Many young people don’t know this, but it was Hillary Clinton who first tried to get healthcare for all people in America. It was Hillary Clinton talking about women’s rights being human rights LONG

What with all the stroking of Bernie on the GMP pages (and make no mistake, that’s what this article is doing, too, as the white guy who couldn’t win the Democratic primary in 2016 is running again, but that’s okay), I start to wonder if there are rubles coming into the GMG writers’ paychecks. It’s getting ridiculous.

Garbage comment from a person who was not alive during the prior presidencies. Suggesting mistakes from the past would be repeated today is foolish and it’s disingenuous argument. Just another Reddit Troll or Russian Troll. Also, Clinton had a balanced budget.

She’s been spending her time quietly raising tens of millions of dollars for Alliance for Youth Action, Arena, The Collective PAC, Color of Change, Demand Justice, Emerge America, Indivisible, iVote, Latino Victory, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Run for Something, Swing Left and Voto Latino.

People come here for a break from misogyny.

And now with Kamala Harris as the most likely frontrunner; we get to see just how racist AND sexist the country is at the same time. Yipee!

Hey Lauren, I just want to chime in along with everyone else and let you know this is a really shitty post. Like, colossally shitty. I don’t even have any snark for you. Clinton won the popular vote, she was profoundly qualified, and she got shat on for being a woman who knows how to get shit done in a world dominated

Yikes. This is kind of heartbreaking. Woman wins popular vote, helping pave the way for a number of exciting female leaders, and gets shat on for existing by feminist blog. What would you like her to do, disappear completely? Sounds that way.

There are a few million girls in the US who know nothing other than that it is perfectly normal to have a woman winning a major party’s nomination and running for President.

What a hot take. Groundbreaking, truly.

What the fuck is this post?

Yeah what could people possibly learn from someone who has spent almost their entire adult lives in the political sphere? Jesus this post is garbage.

I was inspired by her campaign as were many she won the goddamn popular vote. She shouldn't run again because it will just be a repeat and she has sense. No need to shit on her work. 

Hillary has the sense not to run again.

It comes from the non stop harassment and viciousness from Bernie supporters in 2016. Yes, I’m aware that it was only a fraction of his supporters, because the cesspool of social media amplifies that worst of the worst, but being called a “cunt” and a “harpy” and other slurs repeatedly on social media by Bernie

His message is great, but he was in federal government for decades and managed to put his name on a bill that renamed a post office, and that was about it. Keep it.

I’m going to need one reason that the Splinter/Jezebel crowd is going so hard for Sanders and ignoring Elizabeth Warren. I’m going to need one reason that Sanders is better than Warren other than “has a penis” to not conclude y’all are have internalized misogyny to such a degree that you can be ignored.