Gray as the Day is Long

Mic check

Definitely incel

I like how you assume those of us who admire Clinton are also incapable of admiring AOC, Warren, Harris, etc. I can multitask, thanks. 

Digital natives who aren’t taking the initiative to study analog media also don’t understand that information was not instantaneous, often region-specific, not always and/or easily verifiable, and the publication’s edit was the gatekeeper of what the user could consume (unless they constantly had access to many news

It reads very “I’m not like those other girls...”

When I refer to “brogressives” I’m thinking of the real-life acquaintances (and friends-of) who would melt down and call me all kinds of names simply because I stated I wasn’t in favor of Bernie. The balls-out misogyny required no invented narrative. 

Well, there’s the fact that AOC is far more experienced and effective than her mentor was at her age (or ever will be), because as a woman, she has to be. Regardless of your feelings about current or previous female presidential candidates, the tendency to outdo their male peers is the quality they all share.

Not only that, but a new generation of boys also now know to expect a female nominee! 

Lauren woke up with a case of the Mondays on a Tuesday.

My comments have been eaten, but yes I absolutely agree he should have matured as a politician in NYC since they must know how to serve diverse sets of stakeholders in densely-populated districts.

(if tl;dr then feel free to skip to 3rd paragraph)

(if tl;dr then feel free to skip to 3rd paragraph)

Twenty-eight years ago my irritating manager at a frozen yogurt shop (later turned coffee bar) in downtown PDX would insist on playing this one goddamned Dave Brubek cassette every day and I still get angry every time I hear his music.

And yet he and his supporters scream that he is the only one who REALLY wants universal healthcare.

I’d think the appeal of appearing on a TV program would be equal motivation. If I was in a similar situation and near her office, I’d probably volunteer to be a YouTube subject but never agree to TV.

You’d be surprised what a skilled production sound artist can accomplish with mic configurations. 

I knew about these, but had NO IDEA some are simply be dehydrated cyst contents!!

According to the article he lived in the loft on Wallabout St. around 1995. This is firmly in South Williamsburg near Woodhull Hospital, and at that the time it was recommended for non-locals to avoid the J/Z in favor of the L. $130/mo for a shared shitty (and unheated) loft space sounds exactly right.

Old people!! <3 <3 <3

These EU examples are how I would imagine the public-private combo would be modeled. I’d also assume extreme regulation of private insurers (or mandating they operate as non-profits) would be on the lists of those pushing for similar reform here.