Gray as the Day is Long

No, they were testing BHI’s limits. Given the fact they’re already fanatics, it’s entirely possible that a violation of their personal space (on the part of a bunch of white MAGA teens) might have triggered an attack.

I wish more people would recognize Phillips prevented some possible serious bodily harm. I see all these hayseeds who have never lived in a city demanding apologies from BHI. Lol that’s not how this works...just like any other fringe group well-informed of their rights, there’s a greater chance of triggering violence

On second thought, maybe Phillips should have stayed away. If the chaperones didn’t bother to diffuse the situation, they obviously didn’t care about the possible consequences resulting from the kids getting too close to BHI.

This reminds me of when I was in the 3rd grade (early ‘80s), and we lived less than a block from my school. The teachers’ strike was a major event in our small town, and I could easily see the picket line from my home. I asked my parents what was happening, and they explained the definition of a strike and why it was

I choose not to partake, but if men are encouraged to grow shitty facial hair during “Movember” then by all means go ahead. 

Given the disproportionate leverage of rural populations, this means that the rest of us must vote for the most effective* candidate in every primary and general, then hold them to their promises. Stick to this strategy and over time we’ll have the party we want.

I keep wondering if I’m the only one delighted by the idea of the older women mentoring AOC in strategy (and tricks) to properly funnel her energy and policies?

Economic independence certainly allows women to leave toxic partners, but doesn’t guarantee their workplace will be free from harassment. 

Your response is perfect. Bernie’s positions are (mostly) fine, but seems to favor Underpants Gnome methodologies.

It’s not about “managing others’ feelings,” but rather managing their own inappropriate responses. What was the purpose of alienating the rest of the left?

I always thought his heart was in the right place, but if you can’t keep track of such details on the campaign trail, you probably don’t have the strategic skills to drive your platform through questionable majorities in Congress (regardless of populist support in gerrymandered districts). I doubt those who sat out

A lot of people cite this to argue they didn’t exist, but that depends on how you define the term (I prefer “brogressives”). I always assumed it referred to IRL acquaintances and their friends. Most were male lefties who would respond with an absurdly histrionic “You fucking cunt!” or something similar if I mentioned

Or Opus Dei minus overt social stigma. :D

Except remember he actually converted to Catholicism (who does that??), so the “guilt” is self-inflicted.

I’ve found that women’s restrooms in large offices with a majority of conservative and/or basic workers tend to hold some of the most horrifying secrets. I think it has something to do with the lack of outlets for channeling aggression, so they “express” it there. 

I would definitely watch this Hallmark movie. 

Which one of your coworkers is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

I’m not into all of his work but loved The Kingdom. 

Statistically those who agree with the MPAA’s mission are the same demographics who scoff at trigger warnings.

I want to love their bras! I also had the one you describe and it fit perfectly for about a month. I know it’s probably more cost efficient to offer their current sizing type and given the cost, I’m not as picky about custom fit at that price point (M is good for both my cup and band) . I just with they would add some