Gray as the Day is Long

As long as Bernie Sanders is held to the same...

The Intercept is trash and has been for awhile now. Greenwald would rather be a contrarian than a journalist. To say nothing of the money. 

Apparently judges have a relocation program like priests now? Cuz this judge is obviously the same one who oversaw the Brock Turner case.

I do understand how FOSTA works. I was being facetious. But I do think it’s ridiculous that many in my demographic cohort are using this issue as a reason to toss Kamala Harris. Bernie Sanders voted for FOSTA, why does no one seem to care about that? We are never going to get an electable, mainstream candidate who is

it’s always ‘the Intercept’ with these leftier-than-thou critiques that are exponentially more innuendo than fact. and stuff like “...the student was accused of being a ‘Bernie Bro’...” because some people saying stuff on the internet totally amounts to a formalized “accusation” made by, um, some unspecified group...

No adult alive today is ever going to see medical care as good as the Euro model in their lifetime.

I thought we agreed on this.

Can we not accept a public option as a stepping stone? It’s not like we all decided the problem was fixed after Obamacare and left it alone. Obamacare saved lives. We can keep moving in the direction of saving lives. 

One thing never discussed in these pieces is the market impact. Private insurers employ millions of Americans and pay them a decent salary. On top of that many union and other pensions for public and private employees across the country have investment portfolios holding in these blue chip companies. Those markets

Yeah basically you need to introduce the public option and see how the private sector adjusts. Otherwise what you’re proposing is killing off MANY many jobs in favor of replacing them with government created positions. That’s fine in most books however it will earn immediate resistance from a large portion of the

I’m fine with the Swiss model or the english model. The Swiss model requires insurers to provide low cost plans that cover most health care needs. They have more expensive options for more coverage. Those plans are heavily regulated on what they offer and price.

The english model has UHC, but allows private

The dismissal of the ACA from the Splinter-left is one of the clearest signs of their political ignorance. Both of the benefits of the program, and the political reality that made it the best option that could be passed.

Yeah, universal health care folks on the left have become stuck on the Canadian model as the only one for universal health care. But there’s tons of variation, and it’s not even the best universal health care system.

Like the Affordable Care Act before it, the public option would preserve the rotten system that leads to this.

This is a very interesting article/perspective:

Most of the new writers are pretty pro-Bernie. 90% sure Clio used to write for the New Republic, and wrote some shit about how the “bernie bros” didn’t really exist—the name is unusual enough that I suspect it is the same journalist. I voted for Bernie in the primary, but soon got sick of him and his stans....and it

Oh, lord have mercy, do you not have access to Google News? Surely you could find something less irresponsible and stupid to get your page clicks from.

Look at the toll it’s already taking on the air traffic controllers:

EXACTLY. I agree with every part of your comment. First of all, if you’re taking students on a field trip to a city, you need to prep them for the groups and people they may encounter. This goes especially for students who are coming from small towns or rural areas. Second, where are the freaking chaperones? I’m a