I’m genuinely impressed how they can drink rose all day and not gain any noticeable weight.
I’m genuinely impressed how they can drink rose all day and not gain any noticeable weight.
Summer House presents a growing and insidious aspect of New York City culture that, in my actual life, I go far out of my way to avoid interacting with. Mysteriously, in reality show form, I find it fascinating.
I would love nothing more than to have almost any other Democrat than Cuomo win the primary because my nose is still bruised from when I had to hold it during the 2014 gubernatorial general.
Do you anticipate the candidate who surprises and impresses you enough to vote for them will also surprise and impress enough people in exactly the same way? Candidates’ platforms are not a la carte, and most of us must compromise to some extent. Your intent to write “someone” in only helps to ensure we’ll have to…
As a single woman with no intention of having kids, I think decent paternity (or rather just parental) leave benefits everyone, but only if men are pressured to take it with incentives that can’t be refused. When women are the only ones on leave, the work environment is more heavily favored toward men, and happily…
If it makes you feel better, I always had the worst experiences on Continental. United was second worse, so the takeover made my elimination process easier. :D
I wish this wrapup had emphasized NY State Attorney General and National Treasure Eric Schneiderman’s part in the results. If we could clone him, V1 or V2 would be my 2020 pick.
Believe it or not I do understand where you’re coming from. My own strategy has always been to research available candidates and use my primary votes on those who are furthest left. If the other Democrat wins the primary, I’ll still of course vote in the general. I repeat this process every year for offices at all…
Even if she doesn’t win, her local activist experience and ability to surround herself with smart people can still make a significant impact...as long as everyone who had a sudden Bernie epiphany 2 years ago is still interested in the process enough to vote in this year’s gubernatorial primary (I voted for Teachout 4…
Which is a shame, since NYC pays more in taxes to Albany than we get back. Upstate simply isn’t pulling their weight, so maybe the significance of their votes should reflect this. ;)
I’m not sure what your point is. No one is denying Oprah’s success or positive views and intentions. Cynthia Nixon has been specifically focused on local political activism for a long time, so a run for governor isn’t necessarily out of character for her. If Oprah had scaled back her entertainment work and followed a…
NO WRITE-INS (and I say this as someone who enthusiastically voted for Teachout in the primary 4 years ago*). Splintering the leftward base even more is the surest way for Cuomo to win the primary.
Stein has zero qualifications.
For the record, I prefer “brogressives.” It’s inclusive of all shitty dudes who believe sexism is a legitimate means to entice voters to the left.
Not being snarky, but I would like to hear the strategy you would recommend to the Democrats.
They technically could, but if they died on the DACA hill there’s an entire procession of hills in the immediate queue. We have to conserve energy.
Greens need to take their presidential candidates seriously before we can do the same toward the party. Your last one was a few fries short of a non-GMO Happy Meal.
This is the story of everything since Reagan. Many who were once known as “Reagan Democrats” (and now just “white working class”) were never actually Democrats in the first place because they’ve always lacked empathy for those with whom they can’t find any common identity.
More like “wishy-washies,” “hemmers and hawers,” or maybe “wafflers.”
Apparently in the US the federally hard-coded age of consent is 12. I had no idea!