
Wow are you missing the point. If a Nazi started to attack you and enact genocide, of COURSE you have the right to defend yourself. But if they are just speaking WORDS that “Genocide is great!” then you do NOT have the right to attack them. It’s really very simple.

*Rolleyes* Did you never hear the child’s rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!”? Unless he’s spouting active fighting words (like “Punch this guy!”), all he’s doing is blowing hot air. Assault on one’s intelligence is one thing; assault on one’s person is entirely different.

So, in that case, you’re free to express your disagreement with the position, explain why, and let the idiot prove their stupidity to the public at large. You are NOT free to enact violence to coerce them to shut up.

Now playing

“Ehrmehgurd yur a nazi lover!” -Many commenters here. They can’t comprehend the idea of disagreeing with speech but defending the right to it without violence. I forget the exact quote, but in Civilization 6, one states something like “The hallmark of education is being able to entertain a thought without agreeing

“...[T]urning the walls into giant games of skee-ball.” Uh, as cool as that looks, that’s not skee ball. Skee ball’s about rolling and getting skill shots, not hitting moving targets by throwing.

“it’s fully legal and my right as a consumers to purchase used from someone who already purchased it.” Ehh, depends where you live. Don’t know if it’s been tested in court particularly yet, but in theory, you’re only licensing the software, not “purchasing” it per say, so it gets murky on whether you could,

By all means Pelosi, continue with your stellar leadership that’s led to 30% reduction in Democrats in state and national roles. The Republicans are cheering you on all the way!

Honestly it’s not too difficult to do. I think I got to the final fight without a nemesis, or maaaybe (can’t remember) one who only killed me once (before I cut off its head, so it couldn’t progress further).

Some examples: Benghazi was based on a video, she never sent emails marked classified at the time, she was dead broke on leaving the WH after Bill was president, she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia, and so on.

As for the server, no, the FBI did not say nothing was wrong. Comey claimed that no prosecutor would take

True (that’s one of the reasons the founders put that clause in there, something the liberals often forget, instead thinking it’s about hunting or somesuch). However, something worth noting is that California has strict gun control, and it’s conservatives who tend to have the most guns, but yet the liberals are the

She was a pathological liar for one (I mean, seriously, she lied about the stupidest things). She threatened national security with her homebrew server. She would have continued Obama’s ruinous policies and expanded them. The list goes on and on.

Erm, no, it wasn’t “A measure to please the slave owning states.” It is based on how our federal government is built. The House of Representatives is apportioned based on population (so larger states have more sway). The only thing at all related to this was giving the slave states 3/5ths of a person count, rather

Well, the best way to explain it is that it was two terrible candidates facing off against each other. This was an election not so much about who do you support, but who are you against. I too was a bit surprised, but not terribly, given how terrible Hillary was (and how Obama’s policies stuck in the craw for many

It’s the whole “I don’t know how he was elected, nobody I knew voted for him” thing.

It’s part of a very left-leaning network of sites, they are constantly whining about one thing or another.

Only one does, Texas, and it’s questionable if it’d be accepted.

“...recently moved from the Bay to Colorado” So he’s one of the ones coming here and screwing everything up. He and his kind move away from the destructive CA policies, only to bring them back up in their new state! ><

You realize much of the food producing part of CA tends Republican, right? No way would they let CA leave with them too. It’s the whole “State of Jefferson” thing.

Under Pelosi’s watch, the number of Democrats in legislatures and governorships around the nation have declined by about 30%. Republicans agree, keep Pelosi in!

No, or at least not without violence. I could go into lots of detail, but I’ll try to tl;dr it down. First, while the southern part tends to be very liberal, the north (in particular farmland iirc) tends conservative. Thus, even if the rest of the country wanted to get rid of the liberal parts of CA, I have a feeling