
Second guy, nope, just nope.

First guy, sounds like things aren’t going well. If she were truly committed to monogamy, why would it matter if she’s bi or straight? I mean, it’s good she’s coming and talking about it openly and honestly, but sounds like she’s looking for something else.

Yes and no. It’s one thing to have subtle, underlying tones to your work. It’d be another to beat the reader over the head with it. Like, if Lord of the Rings suddenly had Saruman saying things like “Make Isengard Great Again,” that’d be bad.

“Life of Black Tiger” From the looks of that image, it should be renamed “Wolf Flipper 64".

“All donations made...will go directly to Planned Parenthood.” Sounds like they’ll be fine without federal money.

I wasn’t saying Reboot was anime, but it WAS on Toonami.

Well, sadly it just wouldn’t be the same without Tony Jay as Megabyte :P

You missed the best one: Reboot. Loved that show! (And had even more love for it after learning computer programming and suddenly seeing all the “inside” jokes).

You don’t get rich *in* the White House, but sure do afterwards. Remember when Hillary claimed they came out “dead broke?” Seems that they did pretty well for themselves, what with her and her husband’s hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech to Wall Street.

“Subversive?” So, having an opinion contrary to yours is now “subversive?”

“You’re not a team player” because being a “team player” means “doing everything you say” right? *Sigh* More I read about things like this, more I’m glad I don’t play this game.

There was also the Iran film showing a sniper killing ISIS, except it was actually...I forget which game, Call of Duty iirc.

“Blog of Unapologetic Blackness” I’ll take “Things Which, If Done by a White Person, Would Cause Social Media Uproar” for $100.

Well, perhaps a few are waking up to the fact that Pelosi has been terrible for Democrats, yet she and others of the old guard still continue to be put in leadership positions despite leading to huge Dem losses over the past decade.

Which is why, of course, Republicans want her to keep her position.

Sounds like a certain other junior Democrat senator...

Also, the thing I miss the most (didn’t miss toddlers that much): I think it was Sims 2 where you could have a good band. That is, you could add up to eight people, each on an instrument, and have them join in, and it made sense. You could have any combination of pianos, guitars, bass, and drums (I think were the

All I know is I’m trying to spend the next few weeks until the vampire expansion making my sim as rich as possible so I can immediately build a castle fit for a noble vampire.

Color me skeptical that they’re “too good” naturally. Could be, but color me skeptical.

And what was its first message? “I need about tree fiddy!”

You did read it wrong. The fans of the Yuri on Ice claim it’s based on theirs, but Hallmark says it’s based on a novel published in 2009, and that they had no idea that there even was such a thing as Yuri on Ice.

So, simply having a heterosexual relationship makes Love on Ice “Homophobic” now?