Yeah, because they’ve NEVER attacked straight white males on the show...
Yeah, because they’ve NEVER attacked straight white males on the show...
I’ve gotten a masochistic one that was wanting me to hurt it. I obliged and killed him.
I have gigabit ethernet, Steam’s averaging about 40MBps, top ~60MBps. So it’s not fully utilized (more’s the pity, I’d love for this game to only take a minute to download), but still pretty decent.
Definitely works better in-person that online. Ask me how I know :) lol
*Insert “Everyone is racist” song from Avenue Q here*
Longs Peak Scottish Irish Festival’s been holding real jousting for years, and I think says they have the biggest prize purse in North America. I’d be curious what the Aussie one pays.
“Some publishers get more leeway than others” Don’t I know it :P Was a cert tester for about 3 years. One dev had a few “CFR”’s (Condition for Resubmission, basically autofail), but got exempted. So every title update they sent (and they sent a lot), we had to test it, every time it was CFR, every time they got to…
Gotta say, I’m confused why a cam site that permits nudity/etc would think lactation would be problematic :P
Per Islam Jesus is a prophet, per Christianity He is God/part of God.
One I remember reading about years ago, in FEAR it seemed like the enemy AI was really smart and was flanking you. Turns out that they’d just designed the level so cover would flank you, and the AI was just moving from cover to cover.
Half-Life 3 Confirmed....dead? *sadface*
Not listening to audio, but you should make the distinction between defending oneself (which this could be a case of, as it does appear Blue got physical first) and using violence to get your point across. It’s OK to punch a Nazi if they have or are imminently going to get physical with you, but NOT if they’re just…
“Fights lasting over 4 hours” Vanilla Alterac Valley says hi, with its weeklong battles! :P lol
So, something that you’ve seen over and over and over...and only NOW are you getting upset?
“Check your privilege” is a racist term.
“They shouldn’t have allowed it” The First Amendment is fun that way. Either you support the right to peacefully gather for everyone, or you don’t. There is no middle ground. Hate actions are not protected, but hate speech IS. As soon as you try to censor one group, you open the door to censor all, including ones you…
The math here works out that cheating is indeed the best policy. If you cheat, the two possible outcomes are +3 or +0, or an average of 1.5. If you cooperate, the two possible outcomes are +2 or -1, or an average of 0.5. If you were making something which was designed more to test the morality, both outcomes would…
Interesting you mention that “type” you usually went for. There’s a group local to my area holding auditions for a web series they’re hoping to create set in a D&D sort of setting where the players have their particular characters, so like the scrawny guy IRL has a Gaston-like beefcake in the game, but then gets…
“Can you see the resemblance?” ...Without knowing he was supposed to resemble Squall, no. Knowing he’s supposed to resemble Squall...still no.
“Silence is complicity” or...they don’t have a mic...