
I figure it falls into the “If I had to, I could reasonably figure it out” category for me, which I find sufficient.

Car maintenance. Know what skills I have regarding this? I earn money at another job to pay to someone else who is better at it than I to do this bit. Don’t feel like I lose some of my mancard for doing so.

You would like to believe that, but in modern times unfortunately it’s not often the case. More and more schools are taking on the role of judge, jury, and executioner, rather than allow the due process of the law.

Because screw due process?

Note that up above the prosecutor declined to prosecute, indicating that he didn’t think there was enough evidence there to convict, and yet the board apparently decided to suspend a number of players anyway. Seems fitting to me that they would boycott a game if they don’t think they’re getting fair treatment.

Or maybe it isn’t, and people are getting sick of leftists telling us that we are.

That’s pretty much what I think 90% of the voting was about. There was a lot more voting against rather than voting for.

“How the Democrats run future campaigns...” perhaps by not nominating absolutely terrible candidates.

“Commenters on Kotaku have disagreed, arguing that there’s no issue with marketing female sexuality to an audience who wants it.”

Wise commenters. If you don’t like something, don’t watch/partake/etc. Don’t try to stop others from creating and partaking.

You remind me of a scene in one of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books (sadly I forget which one). They have the Seamstress Guild. At one point, a man goes to them, bashfully, with a need that his wife used to fill. They brought someone out who could fill his special need.

Even the Seamstress Guild occasionally needs

I’m confused by the question, it’d be like most MMO games. So, I’d move with WASD, would press a number (like 1-4) on the keyboard with a spare finger, which’d get the spell ready. I’d then cast with the mouse by left-clicking. That way, I could, say, be backtracking with my keyboard while having my mouse near where I

Is it still all mouse movement, no keyboard movement? That’s one thing that absolutely turned me off all MOBAs. Let me wasd my character around while using my mouse for attacks dangit!

So...is he breaking some sort of contractual agreement, or did they agree to do it for the $10 a video? Because it sounds like the latter...in which case, they should probably have just not accepted the job.

If you feel you’re worth more, ask more, don’t accept it and then whine later.

Would love to see ‘em tweak China:
Odds: “Friggin small!”
How many have earned this: “More than 1"

How dare you bring truth to Jez! Shun I say, shun!

“The election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry” Indeed, which is why they’re out there now, rioting.

What, like with his pen and phone?

Does that make Princess Unikitty official HP canon then? >.>

Had the same happen to me at a lot in Denver. I paid my parking fee, put my ticket in my window...came back a few hours later to a “ticket” claiming I hadn’t done so, and told me to send $50 to some really shady-sounding address. I emailed their “to contest this” address (which, again, super shady) with a picture of