
“Battlefield 1, this perfect setup” Except that all the attackers need to do is chuck a gas grenade down there. The sentinel has no gas mask, so would die very quickly to it.

I have to wonder if mortars are going to lose their camera. I use the mortar a lot, and it does feel cheap to watch where the shell lands, see enemies, etc.

Now playing

FYI, that video in the post is now blocked in the US.

Wish I had the source, but people on the BF1 forums have shared stuff which show that artillery caused many more deaths than the chemical warfare. I’d always heard about the mustard gas etc, so thought that was the leading cause, but it was actually pretty minimal, which surprised me.

Molehills may exist, but call them for what they are. Saying “I was raped by...a troll putting virtual hands on my virtual chest” is exaggerating to a degree which diminishes actual rape victims.

Indeed, appeal to higher power is a valid response, but the whole mountain-molehill argument applies too, or boy who cried wolf. Judicious use of appeals and rhetoric helps emphasize the cases which truly matter.

Well, I would say rather than don’t sail, don’t pay attention to the occasional gust (I guess that’d count as a temporary changing of the sails to keep on course and not let it send you astray), or possibly change where you’re sailing. Another apt saying which I find similar is one my dad likes: “If you think you can,

I’m not saying anything about gender roles (women can harass men just as much as vice versa), nor am I defending the jerk’s actions. I’m saying, don’t let yourself be defined by another’s actions. If you let him (or her) get to you, they’ve won. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Yes and no. I will admit, I am coming at it from a few angles. For one, I am male, so yes I’ve never been harassed in-game like this. Two (and this may make you think it’s no longer good faith, which is unfortunate), I am something of an anti-SJW, so I find the idea that someone trolling another in-game as equivalent

And again, more power to the devs for doing this, and I have no problem with them doing it, and good for them. I’m just saying, the first and last line of defense is you alone. If they provide tools, great, if they don’t, encourage them to do so, but be ready for them to say no, and be ready to fend for yourself.

“Or China’s Qin Shi Huang spending thousands of years being upset that he had less wonders than me.” ...I HAVE ONLY ONE, STOP WORRYING GUY! :P lol, yeah, I think he declared war on me for this :P

Another thing that irritated me, though I’m not sure if bug or intentional, is that spies only do their thing for a few

And as I said, good on the devs. The point is that you can only rely on yourself, don’t count on getting these tools every time. People are jerks, the sooner you come to understand that and realize that ignoring them works wonders, the better.

My point is that only you can control how you respond to others’ actions. I mean, if you want to get angry and upset every time someone’s a dick, by all means have at it. I just prefer to brush them off as I would an ant. I’m never going to see this person in life, nor are they someone I care about, so why bother?


Fair point, and my answer is that it’s not because you’re a woman, but because you and only you can control how you respond to things. Basically, you can hope that others will be good, but as you no doubt know, people are jerks. Thus, in the end, the only one you can rely on is you, and since you can control how you

Be stronger-willed than the troll. If you just ignore him, either he continues (at which point you continue to ignore), or he gets bored because you’re not reacting and goes away on his own.

Put it this way: Do you care about this troll? Do you care what he thinks of you? No? Then don’t waste any time thinking about

I don’t think people are “enraged,” nor at the developer. My view is more power to them if they so desire. I just think that the woman is a bit silly for putting the troll at the same level of rape. Online trolls gonna troll, the best thing to do is roll your eyes and get on with life.

Or start trolling them back. That

“Must silence any dissent!”

I’ll put it this way: Yeah, the guy’s a dick, and good on the devs for more stuff...but really, it’s the internet, people need to learn to ignore the trolls :P

Another tip: Gas gas gas! If you see a cloud of green smoke, it’s gas. You should probably put on your mask. Otherwise, you’ll start taking 15 damage a tick. Sure you can wait to verify it’s enemy gas rather than your own, but by then you’ll be injured and easier for someone else to finish off (not to mention it takes

Amen. Also, unlike previous Battlefield games, you can just drop and drop and drop with no time limit that I’ve seen (at least on the crates). The only limiter is that the ground has to be clear (so sometimes if you’re trying to drop while prone it won’t come out), but I obsessively just drop the box whenever I’ve