
Needs more emphasis on support’s airburst mortar. The thing is friggin’ sweet. Granted, it can only do a max of 65 damage, but usually if the enemy is already hurt it’ll wipe them out, or frequently they won’t move letting your follow-up shot finish the job. (The HE can OHK you, but only on a direct shot and has a

Got me thinking how indeed I could hum those old tunes, but can’t for the life of me remember most music from modern games (with a few exceptions). I wonder if it had to do with the old 8-bit sound, you had the main melody right there, whereas now you get more sweeping orchestral scores with little that “stands out”

“ or even the simple ability to alter your loadouts from the main menu “ True, this sucks, but I was over on their main forums and read (no link since this was yesterday and in a random thread) that this was a sort-of bug. That is, it was in there, but was behaving badly so has been temporarily disabled, but will be

Bingo. If you'll forgive me for inserting a little politics, it reminds me of Hillary's camp and their response to her pneumonia. It's not the fact that she was sick that was the issue, but that they just can't seem to help but lie about it (from nothing being wrong to heat exhaustion to ok yeah pneumonia). Similarly,

Would you say that horse is making an ass of itself?

Given that there is the world map generated, will we ever be able to expand/travel to other locations?

I'd be curious if law relating to adverse possession applies. For instance, in adverse possession, if it's open and against the true owner's wishes, but goes on for long enough, then it becomes yours. However, all the owner really has to do is either provide notice that either they don't permit XYZ, or they DO permit

Well, I’m sort of in that position (not avoiding paying overtime, since I was salaried both before and after). I’m more an “elder brother” in many respects because I generally know more about the system and certain parts, and act as a filter between our group and others, and while I do a few supervisory duties they’re

*Looks down at shirt* Damnit, am I managering wrong? :P (Oh well, I'm in IT, they keep us in a separate building for a reason I'm sure!)

Well...I'm a manager for a team of 4.5 (one person's transitioning out, hence the 0.5), but my job isn't so much as tell them what to do as much as teach them about strangeness in our system, do the high-level weird stuff (as well as the same stuff they do when not doing this high-level weirdness), and every now and

Number 1, that’s because it’s your teammate’s horse :P I’ve killed multiple. Heck, even when the rider’s down I still kill them, because points.

But yes, they are horrible bastards. Oh, the guy rode past me on the horse and I'm alive? NOPE, he swing from about 20 yards past and killed me.

“legitimate target for strategic ICBM nuclear strikes." Let me guess....you work for a spider farm? I vote preemptive strike on your position now!

Rebuttal: PacMan.

One of those free web browser games, Business Tycoon Online, or somesuch.

Also, does WoW count when I quit during the WotLK expansion?

Good for her. When thinking about France's burka ban, I don't like the idea of government telling you what you can/can't wear. However, I also don't like women being forced to wear something by their religion (and an attitude of "You don't have to, but we'll kill you if you don't" is no choice).

“Skeletal female priestesses" Some Draugr would like to have a word...or a bite...

Would be cool....if I had the skill to actually acquire them. Oh well.

“It's good to be back" Indeed, have missed HR!

Could be we’ve not figured out how they work yet.

Or, imo more likely, could be another case of:

Well that's just it, indeed because the regulatory burden is nuts now, there's no way something like this could change in the US any time soon. However, I'm a big proponent of Liberland, and they've pretty much put the green light on this kind of thing. You can contract with someone for whatever the hell you want.