I need go out and patent "A device that does stuff." Everyone in the world will owe me royalties, I'll be rich in a day!
I need go out and patent "A device that does stuff." Everyone in the world will owe me royalties, I'll be rich in a day!
That's no tank, that's an armored train baby!
Is there an option “Lobby FDA to disapprove of competitors and lead to monopoly situation?”
Frankly, I think anyone should be able to sell whatever they want. If they want FDA approval as a sort of "Seal of Quality," they should be allowed to, but if someone wants to take a risk on something else, assume the risk and…
Pffft, I’m a manager and I friended one of my subordinates, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I surf more than he :P (I will grant that I feel slightly bad about doing so, but not too terribly since we are driven by the needs of others, so we fix their stuff and go back to it while waiting for new problems to fix)
^This. My company’s product is all about the data, and it’s all shipped digitally. As such, we have some pretty beefy connections, but we’ve also been hiring a lot more. There are times when our IT department asks people not to, say, all stream the playoff games because it’s slowing down our shipments. (Heck, I think…
^This. Worked as a cert tester for the 360. We weren't looking for asset theft at all. Even if I had seen something I knew came from elsewhere, that wasn't our job. Essentially, who are we to say that the dev didn't get permission from the original owner for that asset? We were essentially just making sure "Does it…
Tennis, I feel ya. Similar situation for me (well, not playing tennis, but having a friend you wanted to be more but said no). Hard to get over it, but thankfully I'm getting there. Best of luck to ya!
Between this and another article a friend linked showing how reasonably accurate the Fallout maps are, well, mapped to the real world, I've been rather impressed with game devs of late. I always just figured they got very rough similarities and then drew inspiration from areas, rather than trying to actually map it…
Terraria. Best five bucks I ever spent!
“Triggering" due to PTSD is pretty much the only type I accept. It's one thing if your pretty snowflake feelings get hurt, it's another if you watched your buddy get blown up by an IED.
When you find a crashed ship, it has the chance to have +1, equal, or -1 slots. So, if you find one with one more slot, you take it. Then, you find another crashed ship, same chances. Keep taking the bigger and bigger slot ones, and eventually you'll max out.
At risk of starting a big flame war (well, less-so since I'm grayed and very far down the list), it's similar to what I took from Gamergate. That is, just be honest with me. In GG, I don't care if you're sleeping with the developer, just be honest with me about it. With NMS, I don't care that it's single-player only,…
Ted Cruz is unconcerned with your name!
My hometown DOES have "80's Pizza," a pizza place devoted to those magical years.
I'll admit, I was secretly hoping "Here's your Vive...and here's a copy of HL3". Vives would be sold out for about 2 years then :P
Agreed. Trump is terrible, Hillary is terrible, heck, the only reason I'm voting for Johnson is he supports Liberland. This election season...ugh.
And that, boys and girls, is how Patricia's inbox got flooded with dickpics.
Fair enough :)
Two butts for the price of one?