“I have never played Half-Life." OK, that does it, get out now. YOU'RE the reason we're not getting HL3! >.>
“I have never played Half-Life." OK, that does it, get out now. YOU'RE the reason we're not getting HL3! >.>
Eh....questionable claim at best, that the consumer is better served. You might have fewer technical problems (also given that consoles are more known quantity than PCs, that's easier to code for in a sense), but that doesn't mean the game is any better content-wise. I tested some games that passed cert, but were…
Good read. Worked as one of those cert testers (doing TCRs) for a few years. I found it interesting that the smaller devs tended to fix all or most of the issues, not even just the CFRs (Condition For Resubmission, aka the “super bad” issues). Heck, one game I remember had no CFRs, but sent back another build fixing…
To those replying "How is this botched," I initially agreed, but just saw the news that the PC release isn't going to be until Friday the 12th. So, yeah, now I'm on board with the "botched" release comment, because screw Sony getting it early.
2500 years? Try 5 billion years at 1 sec each :P
And then come Monday, watch a server wipe happen.
Are you talking about the ORIGINAL Deus Ex (from, what, 2000 or so), or Human Revolution? If the original...don't know, my guess is add to steam, though not sure. I do see the original (and number two, but that was a steaming pile) on Steam for $7 each. I know on other games I can't get them to run on my newer box…
*Goes to post about death of a narrator* *Sees comment already made* *Curses the name of Kirk* :P
Gameplay, depends on how you want to do it. Stealth is generally more encouraged, but you could always go in guns blazing. Story, essentially vast globalist conspiracy stuff going on. Humans are starting to get augmented (mechanical body parts, etc), but some people fear change, others seek to exploit it. I enjoyed…
You what they should do? Hit the "Release" button on Steam! ;)
Ever hear of Liberland? Think any game studios would work from there if it gets off the ground?
...And now I'm severely ashamed because I didn't see that reference until now. *Hands in my I Can Make A Dirty Reference Out Of Anything card*
Hrm, definitely Terraria and Starbound for starters. Will take some time to come up with the rest...
...Though if I want to challenge the premise of the question, I’d bring Pokémon Go, and set up the island as a Pokestop, to get others to come save me ;)
Heh, true, though I DID reasonably enjoy my testing job, but that was because we were generally at the end of the pipe, with the games mostly done and just getting compliance testing done. And there, a “bad game” was still usually only ~5hours of work, a terrible one was 10, so you didn’t have too much agony.
I ended…
My little colony has 5 people. Only one of them seems to do any crafting (food, structures, clothing, any of it). He has no pants.
On his own, he has no desire to make pants. But I can force him to make pants. At that point he will continue to make pants until he drops dead from exhaustion.
That's dedication right there.
I just thinking about Snacktaku today. I read about the next thing you need to subject yourself to for our amusement: Krispy Kreme soda!
Fraudster buys the game, let’s say for $20. They get a key. They turn around, advertise that they’ll sell the game for $10. A gullible person buys the key from them. Then, fraudster does a chargeback on their credit card (essentially lying and saying “I didn’t receive the product, this was an unauthorized…
Guy should count himself lucky. If he went around shooting people, even with a paintball gun, chances are he'd have been shot back, and not with paintballs.
“Inspired by the predecessor of Chrono Cross" You mean....Chrono Trigger? :P