I'm not being creepy about it. We are still good friends, just not boyfriend/girlfriend. I was meaning that my inner mind still wants to think I have a chance, but I know I don't so I've not asked anymore.
I'm not being creepy about it. We are still good friends, just not boyfriend/girlfriend. I was meaning that my inner mind still wants to think I have a chance, but I know I don't so I've not asked anymore.
I feel #3's pain. There's a girl I've been friends with for a while, but she's not into me that way. My mind knows it ain't happening, but my eternal optimism tries to think otherwise :P
My take: I would want to design a game that is fun. Period. I wouldn’t try to aim it at any particular group, I would just want it to be fun. I wouldn’t try to say “How can I get more women to like this game?” If I were to try going down this path, my male brain might interpret this as “Well, perhaps if I add cute…
“Hid her ballet lessons from her male peers." If I'd have been a peer, I'd have thought it was cool, but I'll freely admit that's in no small part because I'm a horny bastard :P
The kids' parents should be more responsible and not try to outsource their job.
Indeed. Too many want others to save them from themselves. Heck, I know I should be doing lots of yardwork, but I don't go to the government/outside source to have them force me to do it :P
Generally speaking, if Valve wants to take action then go for it, but otherwise, if people want to waste money let 'em waste money. Don't force someone to try to nanny people. Let people make mistakes and suffer the consequences.
“Up to Black and White” *Skims article, sees Black and White, gets excited, realizes the author is still talking Pokémon, walks off depressed" :P
“People can easily be taken advantage of with no recourse” To a certain extent, fool and their money and all. Plus, it sounds like some people just want Nanny Government to stop consenting adults from engaging in activities they deem “bad.”
I don't give two licks about skins, but if others do, more power to 'em, let…
Heard of Liberland? If so, what's your take?
To quote number 4, "Man I wish there were a septic truck around here!"
Yeah, what really turned me off Aion was the very limited flight time mechanics. "I can fly....for a minute, then have to wait two to be able to fly again."
It's "Nice try asshole" (well, ahole).
Apparently it's a thing in Japan. No idea why :P
Forbidden: "Eating food...intended to...offend others." So, my dream of setting up "PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals" channel is dashed, oh well.
Yeah, a few (can't hold a lot in there). Pretty limp, and yeah more cheese goo, but there are noodles technically :P
I tried them last week. They reminded me somewhat of fried mozzarella sticks. I didn’t really taste the “Cheetos” flavor much.
In short, they were OK, but more gimmicky than flavorful. Something to try once, but not to buy consistently.
Being a Green Party candidate, I'm guessing that generally speaking her views and mine differ greatly, but I DO like the "Pro-very limited government" bit :P
It's 29 Knuts to the Sickle, and 17 Sickles to the Galleon, simple!
Strange game. The best move is not to play.
How about a nice game of chess?