
I’d say it’s an investment, but not a security.

Hidden feature: Get your bumping score up too high, and your car is automatically turned into a bumper car (and not in a good way).

So, you don't want women or the elderly to be able to defend themselves? US code says that all men 18-49 (regardless of military status) and women in the active or reserves of military ARE the militia.

When someone clicks "Think," does the game point out that these mass shootings are happening in "Gun-Free Zones?"

“argues against literalism, and serves as a reminder to use our judgment." Perhaps because I'm not Muslim and there's further context elsewhere, but I read that phrase as the opposite of this. I read the phrase as saying "There's some stuff here that is literal, other that isn't. 'Bad' people will interpret it as

Solution: Have the airlines provide the security, as they're the most invested party.

That's why no Prince Zelda.

Zelda's Creed.

Sees Link scaling buildings/cliffs. Decides the name is now Zelda's Creed.

I want to like this from the aesthetic, but the vid doesn't really show what the "game" is. Is the game just driving...driving...get out...more driving...storm...?

Shut up and take my money!

Yeah, totally, I mean, murder only takes 1 second, that should be, what, a day in jail amirite? *rolleyes*

Indeed. Often, fun factor can be difficult to define/capture. Look at this one, it flopped. Meanwhile, one guy did Stardew Valley and is now a multimillionaire.

Some businesses have success relatively easy to define. Sell more product, do better. Some it's harder. Predict who will buy more product, do better. Games

I cheat single player because it’s fun. Fallout 4, neverending nuke launcher + infinite mini nukes = fun times!
Never cheat in multiplayer though.

So...haven't booted up in a while, but have no idea how the "Any physique" thing can work. I mean, both male and female have chest sliders, but they do obviously different things. Is there going to be "Man Boobs" and "Female Boobs" sliders or something? :P

True that, in this case good thing he was safe, but I'm hoping the parents take the time to get their CCW and train, and train this kid with the eventual goal of him getting a CCW when he's legal too.

Scary in this case, but I hope the parents take the opportunity to looking into CCW and training for themselves and eventually their kid.

Silence! I keel you!