
I understand where you're coming from. I mean, on the one hand I definitely can understand that stuff gets delayed for various reasons. On the other, it feels like in games, things being released on-time is the exception rather than the rule. I know at my company, a vendor was changing the way they sent us stuff, so

Psssst, Sony, I'll take it right now in all its unpolishedness! Just gimme!

I dunno, I was reading about a lawsuit today claiming hostile work environment because this person wasn't referred to as "them" (not wanting a single gender pronoun, because they thought of themselves as gender-fluid or somesuch).

Washington is NOT right-to-work. I saw this on Wikipedia, and also from first-hand experience. About 10 years ago, I applied to a grocery store for a summer job, and was told that if accepted (I wasn't) I'd have 30 days to join the union or I'd be fired.

You're thinking classic liberalism. Modern liberalism is You Will Be Made To Care™!

I'm struggling with the idea of Minecraft porn. What is it, "Oh my, what a big block you have!" "Oh yeah baby, I love them voxels!" and the like?

Who the heck leaves a whole tent there? I mean, I can understand (and loathe and deplore, but understand) trash, but tents and sleeping gear?!?

Except that part of fair use is whether you're making money off something (granted, not "as soon as you make a penny it's not fair use," but it's a big factor in deciding whether it is or not). Thus, while the original person might have the right to create the video, as soon as they get paid for it they'd probably

I’m reminded of New York City where they’re having a problem with people in costume in Times Square getting belligerent with tourists/each other when they demand payment. Feels totally against the whole point to me. Do it for the love of the craft, not for the money.

Additionally, you have to have proceeded far enough in the main storyline for the Prydwyn to show up. Only when I got there did the quest appear.

My view on paid cosplayers is like my view on paid mods: Do it for love of the craft and I'll heartily enjoy it and praise you for it. Do it for money, and it turns to a business transaction where I have to look at the actual value of what I'm getting, at which point their "If you can sell X number of tickets it's

But are his d20's yuuuuuuge?

*Chuckle* I see my unpopular opinion on another thread got me dumped back down to the grays.

Still a scam, given you pay more for it than you get back :P

Don't know where you're from, but in the US, we have the First Amendment. It's designed to protect all speech, particularly that which others may find offensive. Regarding an "internet police," sure it'd be fun to see certain people get their comeuppance, but what happens when they decide that YOUR speech is the new

After having the surgery, you can get your birth certificate changed, at which point use your new bathroom with impunity. Statute 130A-118, "A written request from an individual is received by the State Registrar to change the sex on that individual's birth record because of sex reassignment surgery, if the request is

“...which originated in Gamergate circles because of course it did" Citation needed.

Would be very appropriate for him to go dressed as the TF2 engy imo ^.^

*Sigh* People keep missing this. Again, my problem isn't with the trans as much as the cis's who will take advantage of it.

Have you ever studied finance? There’s the concept of the Fraud Triangle. One of the three branches is Opportunity. Essentially, the easier you make things, the more likely you’ll have a problem.

There might be a person who wants not to rape a little girl, but likes looking at them. However, they’re rather timid (as I