
As does a system whereby if a woman saw a man walk into the room, she can demand that he get out, and if he refuses get security or police to intervene. If you remove that ability....what do you do?
The man quoted the new law, but made no effort to identify one way or the other. Can you kick him out, or not?

Where do you get this 4% number? I am VERY sure that’s inflated, probably 0.4 or 0.04%. I guaran-damn-tee you it’s not 1 out of every 25 people that’s like that. As to the birth certificate bit, that is what I feel is a reasonable compromise. Technically, you’re born what you’re born as, and your chromosomes don’t

If they are physically indistinguishable from men, that means they’ve had the surgery, at which point they can get their birth certificate changed, and I’m fine with them using whatever room they want.

But if you still have your old plumbing, sorry, you are what you are, not what you feel like.

I'm very sure you're wrong about that. Using the bathroom of their choice? Probably yes, that was never really an issue if you keep it in a stall. A full-blown locker room? No, you'd be kicked out in a heartbeat in most places, and arrested if you tried again.

It's not "exposure" under the law if done in a legal place such as a locker room. Again, if a person is allowed to use whatever room they want to, you WILL have men using women's facilities to get their jollies. It could be done very casually, like in the regular course of disrobing. In the past, this would be easy to

No, is afraid of cisgendered men using transgendered women as an excuse to sexually assault (knowingly or via voyeurism) girls in the ladies room. Realizes that cisgendered men assaulting boys is also a problem and will gladly beat the tar out of anyone caught doing so, but in this day and age of "accept me no matter

I have to ask, what's your view on gun control then? Are you opposed to it in all forms?

If I were a woman using the place, maybe very casual, how would I know if that “man” coming into the room with me or my daughter or whomever was trans or not? That's where the issue lies. Previously, this sort of thing would be easy: Penis = no going into the women's room unless you're under 5 years old or so. Now,

Coward? Care to elaborate, or are we just name-calling now with no basis?

Will a law stop a determined one? No, just like gun laws won't stop a determined criminal. But it WILL deter a more casual predator. You lock your door not from the hardened thief, but from the casual one who might want to check out your stuff if it's not too hard to do.

It’s banning the easily-identifiable people from easily-identifiable situations. A determined predator will do their thing one way or another (just like how Chicago, with its strict gun laws, still has some of the most murders). This will discourage the not-as-determined predators from preying on people.


This is why I used the “do you lock your doors” analogy. You probably do I’d guess. Will it prevent the determined thief? No. Will it discourage a casual thief looking for an easy score? Yes.

Will these laws discourage a determined predator? No. Will they discourage the casual one? Yes. If one sees a penis in a girl's

The problem arose when the You Will Be Made To Care™ brigade started trying to force people to have these policies. Previously, trans quietly did their thing, and no one was the wiser. Now, with the demand for “You will accommodate me,” now you’re bringing me into the picture.

As I’ve stated many times, my issue isn’t

Again, before recent times, trans were quietly doing their thing. I think they'll STILL quietly do their thing. I was fine with that. The problem arose when a few decided that You Will Be Made To Care™ and passed things like Target's policy. As such, now the R's had to respond, because there is a very real likelihood

Care to explain how, or just want to throw that out there with no backing?

Indeed, generally speaking it’s not the trans people I’m worried about, but rather the people who take advantage of it. That’s where the rub is. If I were to walk into a women's locker room and disrobe, your daughter would see my penis. Am I transgendered, or just a perv? Back when people were relegated to the

The problem isn't with transsexuals (those who have undergone an operation and had their birth certificate altered), it's with "transgendered" (like Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, who has not). Heck, honestly my problem with it isn't even with the trans, so much as people taking advantage of it (see the case up in Washington).

I'm sorry they think protecting kids against predators is a bad thing. I'm guessing they also don't lock their doors either, right? I mean, we wouldn't want to discourage people who shouldn't be there from coming in now would we? I mean, I identify as a game programmer, so keeping me out of their building makes me

Nah, we're living in the age of You Will Be Made To Care™!