
(I am curious whether we'll see mustard gas mortars) *Clang clang clang* GAAAAAAAAAS!

Well, that's....different. Last WWI game I remember playing was Toy Soldiers (I think was the name). Honestly, I was expecting a new BF2142, what with BF4's expansions showing the tie-in to it.

Can't say I like the idea. Usually end-game is the more fun content. But here, die too much? Time to get back to level-grinding! Also, very ironically given what I JUST said, I do enjoy trying multiple characters, but at $30-per-life you'll have to have 1 character and stick with it, so better know what you want right

This is absolutely fantastic.

I now demand a photoshop contest of doors wearing hats!

What would be even bigger?

Ned Stark. Boom.

“These people aren’t slaves” Bingo. A lot of people like to talk about how trapped they are, but they have the power to do things their way. Sure, I am glad I got out of the gaming industry and don’t have the 80 hour weeks, but for someone in it, if you don’t like it, make your own company! I’m not trying to be

This is why all video games should use a font where capital I has the top and bottom lines.

Indeed, people in the US are whining about laws preventing men from using women's bathrooms, rather than focusing on helping a country where a female rape victim can be the one the law/relatives have beaten/killed.

One more reason why Star Citizen's model will be interesting, trying to force things to appear as they really are. Those hands in front of you are your actual hands, not a first-person rendition of them. Your eyes are where your character is looking from, your bullets come from your gun and not your forehead. Will be

Good point, didn't think about that bit :P

Rift or Vive?

I know right? Heck, it's been I think 12 years since I've had a girlfriend, so for this guy to say he has a great one but wants to give her up? Send her my way please!

OK, I find it silly that "Cancel" actually posts >< Anyway, I guess in that case I'll finish my thought. Can it display a regular static screen, such that my movements don't actually move the monitor around, and just imitate a monitor that I'm sitting in front of, or would I need to take off the headset and look at a

So, for non-VR things, can the Rift (and hopefully Vive) just act like a regular monitor, or do you need some sort of app for that? In other words, can it display a regular static scree

Yes and no. Yes, there's no jostling, but when a coworker brought in an Oculus DK1 a year ago, he put on the roller coaster demo. I definitely felt my stomach moving side to side around the curves. The two people in my office who have fear of heights couldn't do it; one put it on, took a look, took it off and said

How would Australia collect said fines? And as for "being barred from selling," is Australia going to enact their own Great Firewall of Australia just to block Steam?

You know what Valve can say? "So, Australia...yeah, again, we're in the US. Suck it."

Apparently this person doesn't want their daughter to learn that women have butts and sometimes want to show them off.

That intro looks a lot like Wildstar...

Slight correction, Narbacular Drop wasn't a "game jam competition game." It was a game class project by a group of students at DigiPen. I actually tested one of their earliest versions (I think I was a freshman at the time, maybe soph, and they were seniors), and at that time it...sucked. Hard. Glad they figured it