
Sort of reminds me of an old game on the Titanic (must have been, what, mid to late 90's). You're on there, trying to stop various events (WW1 initially as I recall), and depending on how you beat the game and what you do through it, you might stop World Wars 1 and 2, or you might stop 1 but then the Soviets get into

My alarm clock already did this to me last week. I think it was using some old, outdated schedule that it used automatically. Not great, only getting about 4 hours of sleep when you expected a little bit more :P

So, this article is a bit old (as the Internet flies anyway) now, but I'll point out that the tip of "close your animals in at night because they'll produce fewer resources" is incorrect. I'm getting the same quantity of resources. The only time I got nothing was when I accidentally shut them outside overnight. If you

Really wish I had a clip from Stardew Valley of my wife NOPE-ing out of my house through the wall one night.

Well, I basically have to use the trap lure on the wilier fish, but other than that I'm good with the fishing :P

I think it's something you sell via your bin, like the Golden Pumpkin.

“Why can't you understand the mine Dwarf's language?" Get all 4 scrolls (dropped by mine enemies), take 'em to the museum, and you get a translation book. Bam, you can understand him and buy from him!

This. If you were just picking it up for the first time without having looked at the game before, "Oh, confusing montage of disease and disaster and suddenly the city is in chaos, there's a guy picking up a weapon and being treated like he's a senior officer by all the military even though he's dressed as a complete

100K owners, $15 a pop, say he gets even just half that, $750k...not too shabby! Good on him, he's got my $15!

So, I'm reading this as scanty armor IS beneficial. I approve!

And then Chell grew too big to fit through the portals. But she didn't care, because cake.

Whatever new way you're using to embed the video, it's off on the audio for me (so, for instance, the sword blade cutting sound happened about a second before I see it on the video).

There's a geek bar in my city. Beer and board games is the norm. It's a glorious place!

Bingo, fraud is a criminal offense, whereas failure is...well, failure. With Kickstarter not offering securities, failure is just a buyer-beware situation. But fraud is an altogether separate issue.

There are laws protecting people who get securities (basically, ownership). Kickstarter sorts of projects are donations, which get around these restrictions.

Volume on the soundtrack was too loud. Given that I never played WC2, I couldn’t make out a bunch of the words because the music was overbearing.

Gotta say, you're a lib I'd happily share a beer with :)

I only played for a bit yesterday. FPS wasn't my issue, my problem was that about half the ground more than, say, 200 feet away wasn't rendering. My world was very much composed just of triangles in space!

Maybe because I don't play Bloodbourne, but I don't see what's going on in that clip. Seemed slow to me.