
Maybe they didn't want to have to sleep with you to get a story done.

“So, yeah, those days are over." Not gonna lie, pregnant women look good. So, nope, not over.

(An additional quick note, for the other places it looks like you have to find the workbench. If it's an abandoned location, I think you can "claim" it immediately. Other spots you might have to ally with the group that's there, and then you can't build but you can use it to connect with your workbench system).

In Sanctuary, as Zwei said there are some completely ruined houses you can scrap. That'll give you a small flat plot where you can start building. It's not much, but it's a start. Then there are other locations you can start building in too (the Red Rocket gas station, a drive-in movie theater, etc).

You have to craft a...I forget the name, power transformer or something (there are three options, a floor, ceiling, and wall variant, it's a small thing). Attach that to the house somewhere. Connect a wire to that little gizmo and the generator, and your lights in the house will, well, light up.

You can get 90 degree angles with walls, it’s just a pain. You have to craft a ceiling and attach it to your corner wall. Then, craft the other wall, and it will snap to the ceiling (which thankfully is at the same spot as the other wall).

I suppose if you didn't want a ceiling at the wall, you could then scrap/store

No Ace Combat 6. Sadface.

Has potential. I never get my hopes too high on video game movies, but has potential.

Well, poop is valuable because you can use it to make fertilizer, so it stands to reason they'd want to be able to force dinos to poop :P

No, WoW when the Ahn Quiraj (I know I'm spelling that horribly wrong) gate was finally unlocked after a few months of server work.

About as many as at the AQ gate opening. Boy did my computer not like me that day!

“We may think we’re totally in control of our thoughts and emotions, but studies like this one suggest otherwise.” That’s what marketing’s all about.

Yeah, I know in my head that wearing this brand of body spray won't suddenly get me surrounded by hot women, but if there's even the sliiiiiiightest chance..... >.>

I regret seeing this article, because now I might have to get the game just for sexy Scottish woman's accent! :P

I think you nailed why I have a problem with “feminism.” Not the idea of equality, I’m all about that, but the idea that if a woman wants to, you know, be a woman, have kids, etc, then she’s somehow “letting down the sisterhood” or something.

King's Quest VII did this years and years ago. The first time I played, I did start on the last level, and promptly lost because I didn't know how to use all the items it started me with.

Amen, I've long advocated the same.

Fun fact, in America all males 18-50 are part of the militia.

I'm a firm believer it should be prosecuted as attempted murder.

True, though in Hollywood's case it's a bit more centralized. There are generally speaking fewer studios, fewer outlets (movie theater chains etc), so if they have big sway over just a few of them, they have lots of leverage. In games' case, there are a few big players, but it's still relatively decentralized (indie