
The "video game industry" is pretty damn big, rather doubt they'll reach an agreement with all of it.

“This chat is really gross." So by all means, show it off to the world, no irony there.

Not really. You're trying to argue that one of the major purposes behind the Second, that being defense against a tyrannical government, is pointless because the government has easier access to strong weapons. My point is that this argument is a strawman, as both sides will have access to these weapons, and as such

On your person in a concealed holster. Unless you’re dealing with kindergarteners who are very grabby or something, that should be pretty safe.

Question, do you automatically assume every single member of the army would support the tyrannical government, and not one would take their arms and join those seeking liberty?

Protect your kids from someone trying to shoot them (hint: That'd be the person with it out and pointing at you or someone else unarmed, not the person with it concealed). You move to disengage, generally away from the shooter, but are ready in case they move towards you. If someone's in your house in the early

Tell me, who stopped him, someone pointing out that murder is illegal, or a good guy with a gun?

Sites having potential conflicts of interest in reviews, where have I heard that one before...

And this one's near completion.

Granted, not all the rewards are quite done, but they're faithfully working on them, and the bar's a great place!

Certification tester. I worked for Volt for a time up in Washington. We were contracted by Microsoft to do their certification testing on the 360. There were TCRs (technical certification requirements) which games had to pass. There were ones which were not super important (you might use an official term slightly

Because it requires a huge amount of intellectual dishonesty. Spending pre-money: 25/25. Spending post-money: 25/50. So, yeah, that money’s going towards booze, no question about it.

“More forks on your table then there are ties in your closet." I find your tie collection lacking!

Let’s say you have $50 every month to spend how you want. You can spend it all on groceries, all on booze, or a bit of each. Let’s say you spend $25 on groceries and $25 on booze. Along comes someone who says “Here, I’ll give you $25, but you can’t spend any of it on booze!” OK, you take it. Now, you spend THEIR $25

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Didn't we see this before? I'm sure I've read these before.

Or in this case, "I have the power plug!"

“Talking shit is probably one of the only fun parts..." Guess what, it's not all about you. If you don't like it, leave!

Sounds like the robot cheats, seeing what you’re doing and adjusting what it does. In that case, cheat right back!

More and more games are exploring homosexual relationships. I’m still waiting for some to have polygamous ones, because darn those two teases! :P