
Kay-ooooga.  What a pear-shaped loser.

Geez, now I feel bad.

Yeah, I think Kristen was being a little sarcastic but some of it is true. Kids are a lot of work but they sure as hell make your life more interesting.

Oh sure. None of us have ever been on a back road with no houses and thick tree cover before. Come off it, man. If you use a light bar responsibly, fine, but don’t claim you got a special kind of dark in your part of the country. My HIDs light up any road just fine whether I’m driving past a farm or a mcdonalds. Your

Are we watching Jalopnik fade into the mist of internet irrelevancy? I didnt think Patrick George was that monumental but man I havent seen anything new stick to the walls and a lot of shit has been flung at em.

I have a Disco I as pictured. It has actually been very reliable. But thanks for pulling a tired meme out of your ass.

Oh good, I’m still grey

I rented one of these on vacation and it was hands down the worst modern car I’ve ever driven. The transmission must have taken 50% of the HP away from the already terrible engine. You would hold down the throttle to pass on the highway and it would bounce off the rev limiter before any acceleration occurred.

Unfortunately I feel like these types of automotive forums, while still and incredible resource, are not what they once were just say 10 years ago. I seems like the traffic has slowed there as enthusiasts migrated to automotive specific groups social media platforms. While these are great places for enthusiasts to

It’s rare for people to experience Virgin a 2nd time.

Someone should teach you how to use your legs. 

Let me save everyone some time. Conclusions - traction control on: Audi slightly better. Traction control off: Audi more sloppy than the others. Trade-offs abound, and no real standout winner.

You’re welcome.

This is a good take

I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).

Lots of car names became famous to normies for

Yeah....but I wouldn’t have gone for the manual if Dodge gave it 100 less HP. I understand “fun” is a major factor in purchasing a vehicle, but this is a work truck. It’s made significantly worse at its job by the addition of a manual transmission.

Get rid of these damned autoplay videos with sound!

Yes, and he’s right. The statute is design to punish worse dealers who go “Oh, we changed your oil and replaced your fuel filter,” but didn’t DO that. It is not designed to punish ordinary negligence in “oh, we changed your oil, but did it poorly.” One represents a fraud on the customer, the other is just negligent.

Judging by his asinine reaction? Yeah, I bet he does.

don’t forget, you get to work from home while complaining about the high cost of living in a city!

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.