
I still have no sympathy for the plight of those who chose to live in New York.

Take em to school HHFP

Or you could take a hard look in the mirror and just get a minivan

*pssst* there are other cities besides New York

I think it probably was, yes

Says the poser

Also, can I please be out of the greys? I’ve been posing on Jalopnik for like 7 years. IDK if I did something to make someone mad, but I ask quite often. 

I feel bad for the guy because he was clearly panic-thinking. Insult to injury is that the car burned up but was probably a total loss before that tbh. 

I dated a girl once who had a nasty car, but that didn’t phase me as much as her terrible driving. She was a chronic “late braker” and viewed most stop signs as optional. 

Not sold on the new Gladiator TBH

Yeah, and to be honest (not to sound heartless) but I don’t care about learning anything about my Uber driver. I wish them the best as a fellow human, but I have no duty to do anything other than give them money in exchange for the ride. 

1. Nobody is forced to work for Uber

Truth, the cars and coffee by me is a “Whose brand new Corvette is cleanest” contest. I took my ‘92 Range Rover a few weeks ago and just got a few snickers about how it would probably break down.

Yeah, but you said you were offended. That’s different than thinking something looks stupid.

How about everyone can do whatever they want to their own stuff? I can’t understand how someone would get upset about someone else putting a sticker on their own car. If it offends you so much what other people do to their own possessions, then you have more issues than the bumper sticker crowd.

If someone is using the service, that means there’s a driver willing to drive them. If there is a driver willing to work today, then they probably need the money. So not using the service is kindof a dick move imo. 

Honestly, nothing. The hype has worn off for this car a year ago.

Also, can I please please please please please not be grey. Please? 

I would not, no. 

Girlfriend was probably a Tesla fangirl smdh