
No, he said he had dumped her in the past because of his image. This letter, written later on, is him saying he’s grown beyond that and realizes he shouldn’t have cared so much about his image. This is why he was reaching out to her and offering friendship.

“Everyone’s pro-union until they become management”

At the same time, I’ve seen plenty of lower wage folks that were pro-union until they realized they would have to pay dues, thus reducing their salary a bit more, and the union would only get involved if it was in *their* best interests, not the employee. A bunch of

Yeah, I still have my Wii U and nothing here has made me feel like I need to rush out to buy a Switch. If anything I’m looking at this and going “Ok, I can wait until next E3 barring any huge surprised holiday game releases”.

Same, I don’t understand the people that are saying that Nintendo “won”. This looks just as disappointing as the other conferences. The two biggest games, Pokemon and Metroid, didn’t even get a date. In true Nintendo fashion who knows when they’ll come out... could either be next year or right at the end of the

Really? I look at this and only see a handful of games, most of which were already expected. Metroid was a surprise but how far out is it? Two years maybe?

I’ve got this one Shep!

Did you use the code in the sales post?

I’ve got this one Shep!

Did you use the code in the sales post?

“Hue sale?! WOOOOOO”

“Oh... $5 off? I’ll be sure to drink my Ovaltine...”


“Hue sale?! WOOOOOO”

“Oh... $5 off? I’ll be sure to drink my Ovaltine...”


Why just millenials?

Why just millenials?

Haha, no offense taken and I hope my response didn’t come off as snarky!

I used monkey on purpose for drama. The point being, it’s an blockbuster movie about a giant creature that smashes things. For what it was, it was great. I think a lot of the negative press for it was a bit unfair.

No colors and they don’t work with the Echo

No colors and they don’t work with the Echo

It’s a movie about a giant monkey. I don’t go into that expecting Oscar fodder and rich character development. I go into it expecting a giant monkey to hit things.

Really? Professional chefs cook with these in their restaurants and then sear the meat on the grill to finish it.

Really? Professional chefs cook with these in their restaurants and then sear the meat on the grill to finish it.

That’s hardly victim blaming

Where ya headed to in Norway? I just went in September and did a two week roadtrip there. Absolutely loved it.

WWII in high def glory with destructible environments is all I need. My surround sound is ready for the M1 Garand ‘ping’.

Pissing contest? Wouldn’t this game have been in the works since before Battlefield 1 was announced? Or is this on a shorter development cycle?

I mean, I guess it stands but it’s not related to the content of the article at all.

No kidding. I was hyped until I grabbed it from Redbox. I can’t really name a single thing that I enjoyed about the game that I played. The driving, the shooting mechanics, the mission themselves... all of it was pretty rough.

You aren’t great at debate.