
This article shows that after many long years, progress is being made. Kickers are finally being accepted as actual members of the football team

And sliding down the runway now comes Torger Nergaard of Norway, showing off a fetching pair of houndstooth pants.

Jesus. I'm not typically a PETA fan but has anyone told them about this?

It's in Sochi: there's no room for anyone, really.

Even though I've heard that their saliva is cleaner than a human's, I still don't think I'd kiss a Greek person.

As with most other things in Sochi, those burgers were assembled only three days ago.

Davis: "Turn left here."

Look, I get making some sort of statement, but it really doesn't have a place in the Olympic Games, a celebration of all that is good and pure in competitive sports. No one wants to see these guys do this, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I wouldn't blame Russian officials for cracking down on this type of

Haslam: "Sherry, hold all my calls. IT'S A BANNER DAY!"

the shit finally hit the fan yesterday

The Republicans are now doubly angry at this guy. First he produces a gay son, now they find out he out-sources American prostitution jobs to Mexico.

What better way to tie it than with a bow?

Philadelphia's team name continues to grow more optimistic.

(Where were the Russian coaches?)

You're dumb.

Joe will now have ample time to comb-over job ads on the internet.

In lieu of severance, Lombardi has been offered "salary rebates."

It's nice to read a story out of Sochi about an Ahn switch that seems to be working just fine.

There's no uglier NFL sweater than Andy Reid, halfway through his fourteenth rack of ribs.

LeBron: Either dunk or get off the pot.