Tom Hanks' Character From The 'Burbs

But there’s no accounting for taste, the general audience in America considers Marvel movies to be the pinnacle of cinema at the moment.

One of the Republican party’s traditional strengths is to take a single person and make them outrageous to the Republican base. In particular this works well with any sort of government assistance. People’s desire for fairness, and their attraction to the salacious make the 1 in 10,000 abuser of a system be

Durr what is this fake news why is there so much Trump in Gizmodo you snowflakes need to get used to it he’s president now you guys never posted this much about Obama her emails are still worse than everything I love Russia.

Nah, he just wanted to extract that extra bit of kinetic energy via regenerative braking while Passat owner couldn’t see it and help VW restore some of that air it polluted over the years. That’s an extra 0.62 Euros he recovered right there.

I’m ignorant on this, don’t watch his channel and this is the first story about this I’ve read, but let me understand.

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

I mean, it looks like someone in the style of Archer but doesn’t really look like Archer at all...

Frightful end to such a troubled life.
Unspeakable in many regards.
Continuing to talk about this should be done with respect.
KKK references are rarely met with objective commentary.
Enough violent dialog, I belive there has been too

Whether it’s edible or not?

Fuck off.

And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.

How do you assign value to a sub-human life?

And nothing of value was lost.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

It’s nice to see someone get a real world penalty for internet hate speech.

I just don’t get the absolute fanaticism that people go through to sexualize a glorified cartoon character. Especially one that we’ve seen a single screenshot of. I really hope his voice sounds like Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks, and his dialogue is just random car sounds.

Or a ‘66-based hallucination with “Biff!” and “Kapow!” captions everytime he landed a hit.

I really wish there’d been a “Fear” level in one of the Arkham games where Batman hallucinates that he’s in the Schumacher version of the franchise. (Scarecrow: “Now you will sup from the breast of nightmares!”)

“Chicks dig the car” and “I’ll get drive-thru” from Batman Forever were 100% grounded in documentary reality, though.

And Dick and Tim never let him live it down.