Tom Hanks' Character From The 'Burbs

First off, red neck, hick, white trash all look to subsets of white people, separated in some way from “mainstream soceity”—it is a reflection of their relative lack of power that indicates these names can be applied to them. Which circles back—this is a discussion of power.

Good god, why do you think poverty is so endemic in that population? Systematic denial of liberty, rights, educational, and economic opportunity over hundreds of years didn’t just go away at the signing of the Civil Rights Act. Something like that would take many generations, and while progress is being made, it’s

Except the reason they are where they are is due to race and unfortunately as this election proved, plenty of people are racist still. I’ll agree that the solution is multi faceted though and needs to be attacked in a variety of ways, some of which do require work in the community itself. But none of those ways

Holy shit. So you actually think that you just made a valid historical comparison? Because there was slavery that involved white Europeans and not Americans? What exactly does that have to do with the United States? Those slaves were not made into a permanent underclass, nor was it in any way equivalent to the chattel

Thank you for that response.

I used to think like you until maybe 15 years ago when I started realizing that the decades and decades of substandard education and institutionalized lack of access to capital will take decades more to overcome. Sure, things are better than when we kept slaves. Things are better since African Americans were given the


“imagined as being in a position of power”

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Sadly, the 0.1% of radical extremists (read: not conservatives) are driving the Republican bus now. The conservatives are welcome to hang out with us here over on the left though so you and us can have logical grown-up conversations and actually do something to improve our country.

*** For Immediate Release ***

There will be a 2-hour version released in early May.

Money — its acquisition and propagation among the already wealthy — is literally the only non-hate-fueled reason anyone should have voted for Trump. Too bad this asshole is belated in figuring out that he has a moral compass.

“Why do Trump voters go against their own interests??”

Eat shit and fuck off, Shad.

It would be a bold move, but I would love it if for that episode they had continuity between each skit and just made the entire show like a super dysfunctional West Wing.

This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.

It would be nice if the companies that make these games would release or sell the hosting software so people could set up and run their own servers and people could still play. Instead of just going away forever.

Fucking. Wow.