
i kinda wanna just put my cat on the roof and give her a West Philly sky burial. She is 13 and shows no signs of slowing whatsoever.

I mean, any pet one leaves behind after euthanasia/death at a shelter or clinic is destined for the incinerator or landfill. and some people just aren't into formal death/burial customs. Personally, I wouldn't mind if my dead body were just thrown out to feed wolves, but that's not legal.

he could finally be ensconsed

from what I understand (feel free to correct me, Jezzies) the two are mutually exclusive. Rainforest allied doesn't necessarily mean it is fair trade.

But. Tom Petty.

I wonder how a woman who worked tirelessly for UNICEF would feel about her image being used to sell sweatshop produced clothes (GAP) and child labor-produced cocoa for chocolate.

It's mine too, number one. I can't excuse it. It's for inbred mouth-breathers.

Oh, so you're an asshole AND a fucking moron. ("would of"). Please, please don't breed.

keep in mind that these deer were walking around our trailer while we ate their mother.

I have had an ovarian cyst rupture before - so fucking painful. Sympathies to you.

I'll seriously try that, thank you! This only happens while on my period so I pretty much think it has to do with that but I will try anything non-invasive to ease the pain.

oh, it's not just me who feels like someone slugged her in the vag. thank you, Jezzies.

Right, it's not cramping, it's an extreme tenderness. Like someone just slugged me in the vag.

I actually don't have bad cramps. Maybe here and there. But it feels like someone kicked me in the vag.

I don't have period sex, not because I think it's gross, but because I become extremely sensitive. My crotch feels like one huge bruise. Is that just me?

Don't worry, me too. It's even more funny that these hill people produced a liberal vegan.

I meant that in the event that the plane crashed and I perished. Sorry, that wasn't clear

Awww, thanks for your concern. I'm not suicidal, but I flew for the first time a few years ago and was scared out of my mind and made my friends promise me that if they could not personally take both of my cats, then to euthanize them because I did not want them in a shelter. Shelters are not bad places, but my girls

I was thinking it too :(

Just as an aside, I'm vegan, so it's safe to say that I don't believe in cruelty to animals, nor do I believe he is "just a dog". I'm not saying it's ok, I just wanted to present my argument that I know for a fact my cats would not find homes should I die so there *can* be instances where I can understand killing your