
Cersei will disagree on general principal that if she cannot find happiness, no one else can either...

Are you 12? Because that’s how old you sound.

While I agree 100% that a Chromebook is a viable option for many people, and certainly that MacBooks are not for everyone by far, the price comparison is still not fair, since a MB w/ AppleCare pretty much ensures that you will have a fully-functioning, still-very-capable laptop 3 years down the line, which will,

Like the current Summer Olympics. It is winter in Rio.

From the Animals and Kanye West, to Eminem and the White Stripes

Here? Probably not.

This comment bears no discernible relationship to the article its speaking on. Their concern is very clearly not who the target is, as it does in fact note the worthiness of leaking some of this information, but the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

And “445 million miles”. :-)

Bring back free checked bags and people will use it.

You know what inspires rage? The fact that we deliberately load the plane in the least efficient way humanly possible. Which means people clusters up on the walkway, having to climb over people to get to their seats, having to have other people move out into the isle, ect. It's a nightmare, and there is such an easy

...unless he isn’t actually a pedophile, in which case an innocent man (or at least a man that is not a pedophile) is being denied his freedom and simple human contact.

Rarely, do people understand why we acknowledge and accept that some crimes will go unpunished in order to secure greater freedom for everyone.

There there little sheep, you're safe.

To be fair, he had to make it all the way down to the fifth sentance to get that. That’s asking a lot.

From mostly a republican - I acually approve of this. I may disagree with a whole lot of what Obama has done, but your points about him are right on the money.

That’s awesome.

I’m really trying to feel bad for him but I don’t.

Ya, it’s almost like humour is subjective or something...

That would be REALLY REALLY far. Andromeda is only 2.5m ly away. I’m thinking he meant 250,000

You live dangerously and I appreciate that.