
My pet theory has always been that the very last scene of the series will be Arya killing Cersei, who is in hiding in the hinterlands, after a long hunt.  So yes, after the killing is done, Arya will be alone.

I’m sad to say, I went into a Mazda dealer hoping for a red Mazda 3 hatchback, but they only had gray, so that’s what I took. Kind of regret it now :(

There are several levels of “not understanding why people are reacting negatively.” Am I surprised that some people react negatively to the entire show? Hell no. What I don’t understand is that, people who have apparently been A-OK with all the gratuitous sex, nudity, vulgarity, brutality, etc., of the show up until

That’s just your perverted interpretation of what I wrote. I was struck, in a good way, that they decided not to show any cuts from the rape scene. But whatever.

I agree with gunmoney here. The show has spent an awful lot of time depicting the torture that Theon’s been subjected to. Each time you think maybe this will be the last straw only to find that it’s not. Clearly, they’ve been doing this for a reason, which I think is redemption of Theon.

Has anyone pointed out that this was a roasted cicada, which is, in fact, edible and is part of the cuisine in certain parts of Japan?

No, if we built something that looked vaguely like a tragedy from another country, "some" people from that country would be up in arms against us, to which we would promptly respond "fuck off".

Agreed; and like I said in the original reply, IF the author got confirmation that Google was doing something like that, he would whine like a little girl.

There are points that I partially agree with, but not all. For example, all that Apple needs to do with their core apps is to make them "good enough" for the majority of its users to not feel the need to go with the alternatives. Apple Maps doesn't have to be as good as or better than Google Maps (which I must agree

Slightly different; see my reply to another post above.

I understand there's a difference, but the logic used in the post does not discriminate between what's "private" and what's "public"; just that we should suck it up because we're using a "free" service. Also, the problem with what the now-defunct new Instagram TOS was that images & accounts that are set to "private"

I understand this, but slightly different from the point I was making. Google will basically link up ads that are out there with what they algorithmically decide as relevant Email that you send and receive. Your personal information is never "sold" to third parties per se.

Not the point.

BULLSHIT. This logic can be applied to *any* quote-unquote "free" service on the web. I bet you would whine like a little girl if one day Google changed their TOS and said they are going to sell all your Gmail messages to ad companies. Tell me that you won't.

Hear, hear.

Say the same things about how ridiculous this kind of reaction is and all the crap people upload aren't worthy of the kind of privacy & copyright protection that people are calling for, except substitute YouTube (or Vimeo or Flickr or whatever) for Instagram, and you'd see how utterly imbecilic what you just said is.

So just think where we would be if Apple *hadn't* dumped Google Maps back in September (hint: we'd have the same crippled Google Maps on iOS6 as the one we had back then).

Don't see the update yet.

Isn't this like one of the most basic features in any decent Email client since time immemorial? I mean, I didn't know that it could be done in the Gmail/web interface, since I use Gmail on Mail.app, but considering everything that Google Apps can do, I find myself not one iota surprised that this is possible.

iPhone 5, unlimited grandfathered from the time of Genesis, and no go for me in the Boston metro area.