
You're the hero Gawker needs.

I love mine too. I’ve used one for about five years? Recently one of the rubber feet of my trackpad came off which makes it unusable. But I was able to reinsert it. :)

About to use my MTP to click “publish” on this article in which I wholeheartedly agree with you. I LOVE THIS DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no, science facts on a science blog! Can’t have that now!

“Lemme guess, you got all this information after ten minutes of googling?”

poor grammar nazi. this must really piss you off, huh? i bet you twitch and spaz a bit every time someoneee misspells a werd tew.

Can we please give Texas back to Mexico. they make the rest of the usa look bad.

I don’t think Steve Jobs expected people to drop digital art and start finger painting exclusively. As others have said, Apple is targeting the drawing tablet market. I don’t think what Steve said applies here.

I think when Steve Jobs was talking about a stylus, he was probably talking about a stylus as a primary interface device. Not as an artistic tool, which is what this is clearly designed for.

Now playing

Reminds me of the Xbox One IllumiRoom. Which never came out, but would totally take my money if it did.

If someone at Disney isn’t greenlighting Sisterhood of the Travelling Armor right now, I’ll eat my yubnubs. Great story.

Aren't you a little short for a stormtr....... I can't these two are heroic and cute together, cutoic if you will.

Marketing and the fact that stupid dudes likes to show their dick pix even if it’s to bots.

Even more important is the fact that Danerys and Missandei are shopping buddies in real life! ::squee::

Then, you are not a huge sci-fi nerd who read a lot of books.

Now playing

And you just KNOW they’ve got to sound something like their cousins, right?

That or maybe it is just the most exciting movie that has come out for awhile and the focus on practical effects means that there are a lot of cool details to keep talking about.

Well I hope they keep getting paid because I can’t get enough! F*CKING LOVE this movie!

Actually, you’ve just given me an idea for a future article: chess variations. Thanks!