
Great! Like her much better than Ridley.

It would appear that Apple isn’t totally . . . —-> It would appear that the FBI isn’t totally . . .

Well I hate to sound like Steve Jobs, but you’re using it wrong :P

I like the diopter though :P

The Magic Track Pad has been phenomenal from the start, at least for me. It has relieved carpal-tunnel caused by using various 10+ button mice I’d used prior, and with endless gestures made possible by BetterTouchTool, it has been, by far, the best peripheral I’ve ever purchased from any company. New features are just

Here’s one from London, next to the London Eye

Obviously, whoever commissioned the piece has a deep pocket.

Yeah, but wouldn’t people stop using the site if they’re not getting hookups?? At least the paid members would, wouldn’t they?? Don’t get it.

What I don’t understand is how this site could’ve grown so huge if the “women” users were mostly fake.

So by your logic, no one has the right to be outraged about anything if they are unknowingly benefiting from it in one way or another, eh? You have no right to be outraged about sweatshop working conditions if you happen to unknowingly own a pair of socks that were produced by a company that has sweatshops in a third

So I can’t get this to work. Is it because I have banner notification turned off? And if so, is that a simple workaround until this bug is fixed? And if so, why isn’t that mentioned in the post?

There are several levels of “not understanding why people are reacting negatively.” Am I surprised that some people react negatively to the entire show? Hell no. What I don’t understand is that, people who have apparently been A-OK with all the gratuitous sex, nudity, vulgarity, brutality, etc., of the show up until

That’s just your perverted interpretation of what I wrote. I was struck, in a good way, that they decided not to show any cuts from the rape scene. But whatever.

I agree with gunmoney here. The show has spent an awful lot of time depicting the torture that Theon’s been subjected to. Each time you think maybe this will be the last straw only to find that it’s not. Clearly, they’ve been doing this for a reason, which I think is redemption of Theon.

Has anyone pointed out that this was a roasted cicada, which is, in fact, edible and is part of the cuisine in certain parts of Japan?

Kills me to say this, as a giant fan of Blade Runner (my favorite movie of all time, bar none, period), but if Ridley Scott of 2015 can pull off a movie that is better than any Christopher Nolan movie, including Interstellar, I will be blown away beyond Mars.

OK, I'm not disappointed that my favorite monologue...hell my favorite line of any movie ever, period, wasn't the #1 monologue. I am a bit disappointed it didn't even make the top 10. But to be not mentioned *at all*? WTF.

  • 2 minutes

The only way that BR2 could be great is if the story and direction are a departure from the original (BR) and is made a unique creation and a vision in and of itself, in the same way that BR was a departure from the original (DADES). In that sense, I'm at least relieved that Scott apparently is NOT directing it (and

I'll have to see if this thing in Boston can do something similar. If the Coolidge Corner Cinema, Kendall Square Cinema, and/or Davis Square Cinema can go on board with this, I'm down.