
I'd lov3 to see exactly where that took place; I'm facinated by this saga; I go to Belize twice a year to do archaeology and the country is near and dear to me. I know all these places that are referenced, too (it's a very small country).

I have a camera lens that's list price is €3,200, though I got it through bartering with my translation skills. I also have a Hasselblad 903SWC which I got for 3G but retailed for a lot more than that. About it I guess? I haven't purchased a computer costing more than 2k in a looong time. Those days are over.

See, you failed with your very first point: "1. I already had a great iPad. " I've written this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here. The primary target of the iPad mini is NOT those who already have bigger iPads; not even those people who already have iPads but always *wanted* a smaller iPad. No, the primary target is

I am in no way opposing the settlement here, or the fact that Apple "stole" this design, and that they should pay up for it.

Thought the same thing, but realized she'd started shooting in the "motor drive" days, and just can't get rid of that term in the age of "10FPS" cameras :)

Not so much news as "Shit, I didn't know this was even possible till just now!!! Gotta let people know!!!!"

If you want to "be sucked in from beginning to end," then Cloud Atlas is *the* movie to see right now. go.

Amen :)

I know it's a niche app in this day and age of digital, but for us film photographers, "Pocket Light Meter" is a godsend: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pocket-light-meter/id381698089?mt=8

You know, those people who complain that people only take shitty photos of their meals w/ vintage filters on Instagram are the same kind of people who complain that Twitter is nothing but a bunch of lame-o's tweeting where they are and what they're eating and how all of it is so dumb.

Yeah; you gotta remember, a 135 billion year worth of simulation in 137 seconds means 1 sec = 1 billion years. It's not as if the galaxy starts spinning in the other direction overnight :D

I've been waiting for the MBP13Retina for too long (and my wife for my 3-year-old MBP13, which is still 4 years longer than her MacBook 13); I really hope it's coming tomorrow!

My first thought as well. Which probably means that the title was reference enough; now I can't get the song out of my head :D

If you notice, the galaxy is receiving a huge amount of gravitational influence from a couple of colliding galaxies around the 1 minute mark. I assume the rotation of the exterior stars were reversed due to the influence. If you notice, the interior part of the galaxy continues to spin in the counter-clockwise

Hint: pre-Retina era.

The last mouse I ever needed was indeed an earlier version of this mouse. Ever since it croaked, I've been using the Magic TrackPad, and I've never looked back. So long, mouse, the pointer device of the 20th century :-)

See you learned something new today; if shit like this can get you in trouble at your workplace, then you really shouldn't be visiting Gizmodo. No, seriously.

Well, if you want to take the analogy to its finest detail, then this argument would be moot, since Apple is the OS vendor *and* the hardware vendor. AT&T selling iPhones is not even remotely like HP selling computers with Windows (+alpha).

I'm pretty sure that "bundling a browser with the OS" wasn't the reason MS got slapped, but that it used its monopolistic power to stifle the competition. Remember, monopoly pre se isn't a crime; it only is if you abuse that power. That's why Apple has been forced to allow third party browsers into the App store (for

Ah, sorry, I thought you were making that up :D I was looking at the examples here and noticed that Siri seems to like to call robots "assistants". I stand corrected.