
So until Steve Jobs died, Jobs didn't do anything (he didn't design anything, he didn't make anything, blah blah blah), but now that he's dead, he was the omnipotent guy without whom Apple can't do anything? come on now.

Assistants, you mean.

I think you played with those macaques a little too much, because you're not making any sense. Your insinuation that Apple always, and only, strives for "good enough" is laughable. If the iPhone and iOS were only "good enough", we wouldn't have Google and all the Android bearing smartphones out there emulating it

More accurate than Apple Maps (BOOM!)

Such bullshit, and you know it. Ah, why even bother. You're a typical hater it's useless. If you can't admit that iPhone/iOS is something that is so fucking good that it literally transformed mobile communications, you go ahead and play with your Android or WinMo or whatever the fuck you play with and keep your

Instagram and Twitter are not essential parts of the iOS experience. Maybe you like them. I do too. But I know plenty of people with iPhones that use neither. Map app, OTOH, is integral. That's why this whole issue is such a big deal. You can't argue on the one hand that Apple fucked up big, and on the other

No it's not weird. And Apple didn't want Google to have control of such an important part of the iOS experience. They had to get out from the bind. Is that weird?

Fair enough. It's not I that suggested it was one party's fault in the first place.

See, since you're an Android fanboy, you haven't been using the iPhone which had a crippled, POS Google Maps app. See, for those iPhone users who wanted turn-by-turn, the new Maps in iOS is absolutely great. The ONLY thing I'm saying here is this: why can't you, the other fucking idiots commenting here, and the

Oh don't worry, I've been reading the site. I've also been using my iPhone 5 and iOS6 for over a week now, and the new Maps has been working fine.

Nope, sorry. Other way around. Google would not let Apple do turn-by-turn with their data.

Nope, sorry. Other way around. Google would not let Apple do turn-by-turn with their data.

Nope, sorry. Other way around. Google would not let Apple do turn-by-turn with their data.

Exactly. So, to reiterate my point, *for those people to whom turn-by-turn is important*, the new Apple Maps is infinitely better than the Google Maps that it replaced.

I'm not defending them. I fully agree Maps suck in many ways. My comment was regarding this post, which is saying that ANYBODY who thinks the new Maps app is better than the one it replaced is a MORON, which I think is an IDIOTIC way of thinking. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nope, sorry. Other way around. Google would not let Apple do turn-by-turn with their data.

Nope, sorry. Other way around. Google would not let Apple do turn-by-turn with their data.

I'm only comparing the iPhone 5/iOS6 to their previous incarnations. Android is OT.

You are wrong. It's the other way around. Google would NOT let Apple implement turn-by-turn using Google Maps data. Think for a nanosecond; why would Apple NOT want turn-by-turn on their only Maps app, when the competition does have it?? You guys are all bunch of fucking morons.

BULL FUCKING CRAP. It's the other way around. Google wouldn't let Apple do turn-by-turn with Google Maps data. Let me have what you're smoking.