
To you and everybody else talking about your stupid fucking androind phones. I'm talking about the Google Maps on iOS5 (and less) that the Apple Maps replaced. I don't care about your Google Maps on Android because Google didn't fucking provide that functionality to iOS. Get lost, dumb fucks.

Hey Dan. You were much more entertaining when you were FSJ. I agree with you that Apple Maps currently sucks. However, you don't provide your opinion on when this "timing" should've actually been. Because you know it HAD to happen at some point. Many people have already commented on why *now* is the time to do it

This is idiotic. If a user wants turn-by-turn, Apple Maps is infinite times better than the Google Maps of yore; cuz, you see, Google Maps didn't have turn-by-turn. And if you can get by 95% of the time fine using the Apple Maps turn-by-turn, guess what, that's 95% of infinity; that's how much better Apple Maps is.

Because if they wait till then, nobody using iPhones is going to use Google Maps. Google will lose out on so much revenue and data stream. It would be the stupidest move Google can make.

You guys know there are planes that can hover, right?

It's funny how so many people misunderstand the point of this article. It's not defending all the patent suits by Apple; it's explaining the source of Steve Jobs's wrath. Those are two very different issues.

It doesn't not make sense to have a camera on a tablet. It's where and how you use it that can be idiotic. E.g., if you use your smartphone cam to take upskirt photos, you're an idiot. That doesn't mean having a camera on your smartphone is idiotic.

"he was a shit director from the audience's standpoint" —> "he was a shit director from my standpoint". There, fixed it for you.

Well, precisely; that's part of Apple's point, isn't it? That Samsung can charge less for their phones to which much less R&D was spent, since they copied Apple products?

Fucking masochists....

And then who is to say that having similarities in external form factor as well as design elements didn't help Samsung in any way? I've heard plenty of people say things like "Hell, this is similar enough to the iPhone (but cheaper/can get on my carrier/etc.), I'll just get this".

This is stupid; I tried to get XXXXX@outlook.com, but was told I couldn't because the same XXXXX was already taken for @hotmail, @msn, @passport etc. Well DUH, that's why I wanted XXXXX@outlook.com :P

I'd argue that the theme to Game of Thrones is quite memorable; if only it were a movie and not R-rated :D

Which reminds me... I need to get back to Cryptonomicon. I think I'm around page 250...

Sure it could be mistaken for a movie set. They used the building in Blade Runner.

If it's a really crowded place, combine it with long exposure photography, which can get rid of a huge chunk of non-stationary people: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rawhead/5473179316/

OK, so we've asked Deadmau5, one of the most popular electronic musicians in the world. Now, can we ask some of the other, even more popular electronic musicians in the world, too?

Well, I dunno.... if every single iPhone user (that would want to "check in" to places, anyway) started using Yelp, maybe... just maybe, Yelp will start to kick back some ass? I know it's a stretch, but it *could* happen, you know. Like a million other apps have done on iOS.

Now playing

SCRATCH: The Migrate to Electronics Movement?

Yeah, cuz Instagram could not have thrived without it's multi-platform support.