
And I'd agree those movies would be considered crap; but those are cases where CGI not being able to polish a turd. And we all know you can't polish a turd, so CGI will *never* make a crappy movie good.

So you basically contradicted your earlier statement; you're saying that CGI does not necessarily make a movies crap; it just needs to be used right.


Y'all need to learn the difference between "correlation" and "causation". "CGI" and "Alien 3 sucking" are correlates. "CGI" was *not* the cause of "Alien 3 sucking". Basically, what fryhole said.

With all due respect:

That's the thing; in this analogy, Apple *isn't* shooting everyone else.... yet, at least; again, it's just running for the gun. The equivalent of shooting everyone else is, after getting the gun (having a *monopoly*, shall we say?), using that to shoot everyone else down (anti-competitive conduct).

That's an analogy fail if I've ever seen one.

The funny thing is, even assuming everything you say is factual (which, as has been pointed out already, debatable), none of the issues you point out are actually Apple's problem, but, like you say, the problem is in the system. E.g., if all those things that Apple is suing on, are, indeed, "prior art", then the

I guess that's what I was getting at; a 1 mil apt. in NYC doesn't sound like the "elite" that the "1%" moniker connotes. I guess impression now is that if owning a 1 mil apt makes you the 1%, and you're still not the "elite", then that's just a testament as to how screwed up the society is :\

If you earn 330K a year, you're going to live somewhere that's worth more than a million; that's all I'm saying'. My friend maybe made 6 figures. Nowhere near 330K. (also, some studies put the top 1% at around 500k). But my point actually was questioning the price of this place. Is it really only a million?

Wait, I only see pictures of lounges; no shots of the actual apartments?

Tornado = pork = bad mothafucka. I don't mind it at all :-) I can let the rainbowhuggers have all the tofu they want.

Wonderfully written article. I'm a big Jobs fan, but articles like these are more than welcome :-)

They're not "unleashing" anything in the area. Jesus Christ. Could you at least read the article you're linking to before posting?

That's your preference; I like my swine pris-tine.

It is an Android problem if the platform can only attract companies that make these kinds of names. Nobody buys an "Android"; they all buy phones by these companies that run Android.

Too expensive. If it had a designated bacon compartment.... then that's a different story.

My kid brother was deeply involved in the production side of this movie. Good to see it getting some global recognition :-)

Interesting; it didn't occur to me to ask bluntly "Where is the nearest abortion clinic" after reading the article. I just did so right now, and Siri gave me two locations, one 0.8 miles away, and one 1.3 miles away. I'm in the Boston, MA area.

If Siri were "Pro Life", then it definitely would not want to tell you where your local Planned Parenthood is. The point of my comment is that there could be many explanations as to why Siri won't tell you where the local abortion clinic is, the most controversial one, perhaps, being that it is "anti-abortion