
AT&T I don't think does that. I had no problems VPNing with my jailbroken iPhone 4 and MiWi.

Ah, thanks. Too late now though, I guess... they've pulled it :(

In the mean time, Siri has no problems locating me the nearest Planned Parenthood. Yes, it's a conspiracy :P

My question is, will this work for "all" the internet, not just WWW. Specifically, I need something like this to work with VPN; PayUpPunk's solution did not work.

Very cool. Although it does seem like he manipulates the photos (besides the obvious cropping to pano), applying blur/tilt-shift-esque effects, to increase aesthetics.

That's now what I want; I want a headphone that will not leak any sound outside (which is what this comic is about).

I'm pretty sure it's the headphone makers that are doing it wrong. Give me a completely silent-to-the-outside-world inner earbud that'll rock my brains out, and I'll leave you guys alone :P

Uhhhh, I believe $55/mo is about the same amount anyone is going to spend on a *smartphone* regardless of which one you pick up and regardless of carrier. If you don't need a data plan and all you need is a dumb phone, then what the fuck does that have to do with iOS devices to begin with??

You mean cheaper than the $0 iPhone 3GS?

It's amazing how much mileage a new store entrance can get from the hater crowd these days; I guess there's just so few things that y'all can criticize these days without looking like the jackasses that you are, eh? Get over it.

Definitely could do without the music.

Good riddance. Few things I hate more than Captcha on the web.

Not only am I a big fan (I just don't get to use them often, cuz they hardly ever come into my possession!), but I'm also for getting rid of the 5 dollar bill, too. Japan uses 500 yen coins, which is equivalent to around $6.50, and they're awesome. Having more of these coins in the wild means they could design more


Fucking Apple fanboys....bringing up Apple products into the comments section of a totally unrelated post!

That's quite a Sirius situation.

And you're completely missing *my* point. When did I say "no one" uses those things? Clearly some people do. My point is that the very fact that people don't talk about them, and, for that matter, this blog post exists, pretty much proves my case that the user perception and reception just ain't there. Yes you can

"The only difference is that Google doesn't market the features like Apple does."

I'm talking more about the portion on Dropbox, as this post has, you know, much more to do with cloud computing than Siri or iChat or Find my Friends.

You sound like all the people who thought it ridiculous that the original iPod (and later iTunes Music Store) could *ever* be considered revolutionary, when there already were things like the Nomad Jukebox and eMusic.com on the market.