
I won't call you a liar, but then you are holding it in a way that is in the minority. Most people, in order to keep a firm grip on the phone, will maintain the same amount of "wraparound" for the other four fingers on the right edge of the phone (assuming you hold the phone with your left hand).

Of course the arc needs to be smaller with a larger phone.

Well if it's going to be between APS-C and full-size, that's pretty much APS-H. At least, that's what it would be called. There's no such thing as a standard when it comes to digital sensor sizes; remember, Canon's APS-C size sensors are smaller than those of Nikon, Pentax, Sony, and they all vary slightly in size

Well, if they have to say that, it means it's not going to be a 35mm full size sensor. So what does that leave? APS-H size sensor? I guess that's a possibility... like the 8.2. It just seems really unlikely.

I don't get it. They're saying it won't be micro-4/3. Uh, duh. Let's see, I'm just going to make a wild guess and say it's going to be an APS-C sensor. You know, like the friggin X100?

And how would that be different from this case? It's also a visual depiction of children in sexual situations; just that in this case, the bodies didn't actually belong to real children (as opposed to manga/anime, where neither the bodies nor the heads actually belong to real children.

Only in fucked up states.

Because "Alien" was a blatant ripoff of the Kubrick classic "...." uh, which one was it now?

Incorrect. Homo erectus and Homo habilis were long extinct by the time anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) came into existence. Although the linked article does not make it clear, the "more archaic" species they refer to is most likely Homo heidelbergensis, thought to be the common ancestor of both Neandertals

Precisely. Labor cost is 80% for USPS.... maayyyyybe that's because USPS has kept their rates low so people could afford them? Just a thought.

Uhh, the title/gist of the story is quite wrong. We're talking about Acheulian hand axes used by Homo erectus here. Oldowan tools were used by Australopithecus sp. since 2.6 m.y.a. i.e., *much* earlier than these Acheulian tools.

" but it's APS-C sensor requires a lens system that's the same size and weight as those for regular DSLR"

Hear, hear. I had *several* MP3 players before the original iPod. They sucked so bad I've been able to successfully suppress my memory of (notbeingableto)using them. Till your post, that is. Asshole.

They just had a contest using this technique.

I agree with DavidWizard and USB_Humping_Dog. It just feels wrong; I'm not completely against it, people can do what they want. It just doesn't seem to it with what the app is.

What if? Apple will find other suppliers (maybe multiple), pay a little more for their components, and still make a killing selling iPhones. On the other hand, Samsung would be raping their own butt; which would be convenient since the management will all get new a-holes bore into them by the shareholders for

Cool. And this thing syncs data with all my computers and iPhone and iPad how?

What makes you think that Apple won't be able to provide for free what other companies are offering for free, *on top of which* they could add on very handy services that require licenses from all those majors for a nominal fee?

But I wasn't arguing an ethical point, now, was I? I was responding to the OP who's suggesting that Apple is singular in this type of behavior.

You're equating Desk Accessories with vague patents?? Puh-lease.