
Ah, thanks, definitely missed that, but explains it perfectly :-) OK so officially, I'm not bothered by the episode :-)

Surely, you mean "on your behind".

I don't mind the memory repression bit that much. All sorts of explanations can be made (as already been shown by everybody else here), OR, we could see something in a future episode that would explain it better: say, a drug that helps memory repression.

"....really think about the Mac demographic...you are the exception"

USB has its 1 and 2 variants, in case you didn't know. Sure USB will survive. I'm saying "USB3" won't survive. Kind of like how FireWire400 was quite popular in certain sectors, but FireWire800 flopped, and now there won't be a next generation FireWire standard.

Apple could benefit by taking a page out of Google's product strategy, and release this for free WITH advertising? Yeah, I'm sure that'll fly high.

Because Thunderbolt is superior, and, now that Apple and Intel are behind it together, there's a 98% chance that USB3 will be dead within the next 2 years while TB becomes the de facto standard I/O protocol.

I would gladly take the version where you DON'T strip all the cocaine out of the coca extract.

Wait, so are you saying that Apple should be content with their hardware sales profits, and that everything else.. iTMS and App Stores.. should remain pro-bono??

You're right. Except for the part about the (future) iPad not having Kindle, Netflix, Hulu+, etc., etc., because that is not a situation that Apple will put itself in.

Thanks for the link! [for some reason, I can't simply "promote" the thread...]

Other way around. 50K is about the theoretical upper limit of radiocarbon dating.

C14 dating, I don't think, is accurate enough to differentiate 1470 from say 1420. Error range is too high. In cases like this, responsible archaeologists will tend to accept stylistic dating over C14.

@slickfast: How do you explain the flash being in all three of the videos in the first linked video? (Remember, that'a a composite of three different videos, supposedly shot by three different parties, from three different locations, and three different angles).

It's not a flash or whatever that can only be seen in some places. Look at the top video, with the 3 split screen. All of them show the flash. They're all supposedly taken from different places and from different angles. The "flash" is very bright, and it marks the timing of the ascent of the orb.

Why hasn't anyone pointed out the lack of the "flash" just before the light-ball's quick ascent in the American tourist's close-up video?

Heh, I was wondering where the extra traffic was coming from :-D

AnalArm. Srsly? Why not just call it Fistfuck?

@CrispyAardvark: Unless, of course, they design an optical viewfinder that can also zoom. Obviously they didn't do that with the X100, which is a fixed focal length camera, but I see absolutely no reason why such an OVF wouldn't be seen in the future.

@PinballFan: I take it it's the first time you've seen one of these.