
@kelz: That's a damn fucking good trailer :-D

APRIL??? WTF?? Too early for April Fool's joke... damn it......

@Jeyl: I agree a lot of movies have action scenes that don't advance the plot. Most of those movies aren't 12 minutes long, though.


@Jeyl: I actually agree; e.g., Sintel didn't need to get mugged by some random bandit that's wondering around in the middle of nowhere glaciated mountain??

Sorry, not going to fall into that trap. I refuse to see it. I don't care if you accuse me of being a Trekkie, neither!

@fender7083: As much as I appreciate your Adobe/Android fanboyism, Flash availability has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the current discussion.

@akumadiavolo: Cool! All we need now is a laptop that will let you detach the screen for the 90% of the time you don't need the keyboard, that runs an strictly consumption centered OS like iOS or Android, with a 10-hour battery life, multi-touch interface, and an extensive apps collection.

OK, the only thing that matters is that VBA is back in Excel. FUCK Microsoft for excluding it in Office 2008.

He underestimates our deeply rooted urge to masturbate to good pr0n at whatever costs.

@Luiz Lavos: Heh, I don't know if anybody will read this, but didja hear the news today? Xmarks is dead; 2 million users will now be bookmark sync refugees.

@cmdtacos: Yeah, and let's make sure it'll be ranked the No.1 Party College :-)

I bought the DVD the moment it came out. I consider it one of the best music videos ever made.

@mtfmuffins: "But stating two arbitrary "facts" which are really just generalized statements that could be made about anything doesn't further the argument at all."

@complextinction: Sorry, I didn't read your longwinded reply because of your retarded statement that I stated opinion instead of facts. Where is the *opinion* in:

@mtfmuffins: The OP stated two sentences, both of which are patently false. That's not disagreement, that's just ignorance/denial.

@Bluecold: I think you're right. Rather than put two holes, it'd make more sense for them to sell a separate dock that allows positioning in landscape mode, while having the connector on the side.

@complextinction:Because there's no way anybody can enjoy anything on a 4:3 screen.

I've always understood it as such: hotness is not a taste, but rather pain. Pain results in the release of endorphins in the brain. And we get addicted to the endorphin rush.