
Because, obviously, no one ever has children and THEN ends up in poverty due to loss of job, divorce/abandonment, illness, injury, or other unforseen circumstances.

So they can walk past protestors calling them a murderer? Or get called a slut/whore for having sex in the first place? Or called a sinner or condemned to hell for ending a pregnancy? Or be “just another” black or brown woman putting babies into the already overrun foster care system?

Hilary would single-handedly sink the Dems’ chances for election in 2020. I like her, but there’s just no way she can recover from 2016. We need fresh blood.

Are you kidding? I liked Hillary, but her time is over. It’s time to get someone new. 2018 is going to be the democrats to lose, and assuming they don’t act like complete idiots, maybe we can get a decent majority in congress. It’s time to start getting new candidates ready for running in 2020.

No. Hilary had her chance and this is where it got us. Someone else for 2020. My vote is for Obama to come back and be king for life. Or eight years of Warren or yes even Oprah. Though honestly I don’t love her as a presidential candidate. Hell, Kim K West would be better than Hilary.

So as a country we’ve decided banning/restricting guns in any way is out of the question, but now we’re just going to accept daily room searches like we’re all children at a particularly punitive boarding school? Guests are paying out the nose to stay at Disney resorts, and they’re still going to have to submit to

Right. If she wants to enter politics, that’s fine. She just shouldn’t start with the top job. Run for and be elected mayor or something, then become a governor or senator, then run for the top spot. Experience with running, governing, and policy is important, no matter how smart/popular/otherwise successful the

Can’t agree more..Oprah for congress/senate/governor/town council/anything first...then once she has a voting record/any political experience, she can try to run.

Sure, because who doesn’t wanna vote for someone who is famous for being married to a former president??

Counterpoint: That song sounds just like Creep

Obama ordered a burger with Dijon once so they’re both bad if you think about it.

My sister and her girlfriend can, as of about an hour ago, be more accurately referred to as my sister and her fiancée! Barf on that, Trump and Haters!

Or Coq Au Vin? Steak Frites? Croissant? Macaron? CHEESE???

Someone get me my chaise longue I feel faint

That guy was really asking for it.

Sure, but it’s a reminder that all of the symbols of rugged male authenticity in American conservative politics — see also “Sheriff” Clarke’s stupid fucking hat and flair, or grifter Zinke’s upside-down fly rig — are bullshit.

Just because these are horse people, doesn’t mean they’re right wingers.

Roy Moore blocked Doug Jones on twitter. This man, who is applying for a job where he will need to represent an entire state and her citizens, blocked his opponent on twitter.

With all due respect, this is a load of horseshit. I can’t even with this garbage.

Yes... we should all dumb down the rhetoric and tone down on the criticism... just so some moron with no understanding of political process can come and vote for my team.

Actually it’s the attitudes like yours. Branden recognizes the parties shortcomings and acknowledges them while still accepting that they’re the better alternative. You just shove your head in the sand hoping that the worse party won’t call yours out on its shit and get away with it, which they will, because you’re