
So, which is it? An unsettled and abusive childhood or an idyllic childhood?”

You left out a key element of this. The official report first stated that the man “tripped and fell”... that Is, until the video emerged.

It literally doesn’t matter. I do not care. No cop should be kneeling on anyone’s neck, period. There are other ways of restraining a suspect. No cop should continue kneeling on the neck or back of a person who has said that they cannot breathe. If someone says they can’t breathe, then a peace officer has an

Because idiots in South Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma and states that will never EVER go blue in November decided the corpse of Joe Biden was somehow the best thing for the Democratic party.

He's not selling his soul. It's a goddamn tv show, and it's his job to make money off such projects. I sincerely doubt anyone at Jezebel wouldn't jump at the chance if CBS (or even some third tier cable channel) offered them a deal based on the snarky Jez videos.

And yet, Reade has several corroboratory witnesses who have verified that she told them in the 1990s of the assault. So are they lying too? Tara Reade wouldn’t be the first victim to have said positive things about their rapist. Some women even continue to socialize with their rapists, even continue to date them. Disbe

When I first started acknowledging that I had been assaulted, the story escalated over time as I grew more honest with myself, and braver that people weren’t going to respond with dismissal or cruelty. Like, I literally said “it wasn’t rape or anything” multiple times to people - it took me years of therapy to

The fact that Biden Bros show up in the comments of every article that’s the least bit critical of him or even implies that Tara Reade isn’t a lying whore sent directly from Putin himself to tank the election to yell about how Jezebel is going to get Trump elected is just a great example of why we’re probably going to

The best part about all this is watching Democrats turn into Republican Kavanaugh defenders.

How very Republican of you.

Exactly - I want to believe her and the 10 other people she seemed to tell about it at the time, her mother, brother, friend, neighbor!! - oh and isn’t it just possible that a woman can say someone makes them uncomfortable without being ready to disclose they were molested by someone - and now that the world is moving

How in the world does Biden having been accused of sexual assault somehow reflect poorly on Bernie Sanders supporters?

I don’t see Elizabeth Warren unendorsing Biden and announcing that she rejoins the race because the democrats cannot have a rapist candidate anymore.

“Yes, women should be heard, but only when I can nitpick it to death and it doesn’t fall apart.” Stop trying to act like you want to believe women. You don’t.

Come on. If this was literally anyone else (or if this had come out even five months ago), every Democrat would be tripping over themselves to say they believe Reade. It’s a credible and disqualifying accusation. 

Ahhh...so what you want is for “the media” to report on it and then for no one else to say anything about it? To pretend that there is not an allegation out there of sexual assault against him? (Incidentally, your description of what Jezebel is, is a description of a media outlet...the “media” is not only defined as

I’m so fucking pissed. There are/were so many other excellent candidates and for some godawful reason (sexism, racism) we got this guy who if he didn’t actually assault Reade is so problematic on women’s issues that it’s never even been questioned. Why are we wringing our hands having to choose between these 2 creepy

Then Biden should drop out.  The media is not Biden’s PR team.  The accusation is out now.  Sorry if it’s not convenient timing for you.

This is why people don’t come forward. You talk about being raped, and somebody’s going to be like “Well, one time she left a yelp review that seemed, frankly, rude. I bet she’s just a lying slut.”

Oh, oops, my bad again. Only women who have never lied and who only lived good lives can have their accusations believed. You sure got me!