
I try not to touch anything that makes Bezos money, so no Post for me!

It may have been stupid and misused, but I fought a two day battle of emails with the C-suite for permission to even post a black square. They want to stay away from anything “controversial” until I pointed out multiple times that “Racism is bad” is not a controversial stance, and people who think it is are not people

Wigdor, the “Trump donor lawyer” also legally represented six Weinstein victims, publicly spoke up for Blasey Ford, and most recently donated to Hakeen Jeffries. 

Here’s a list of people I would prefer to vote for: Warren, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Steyer, Yang, Sanders, Gabbard, Booker, Harris. Here are the ones with horrific assault allegations against them that I wouldn’t: Trump, Bloomberg, Biden. 

Ok, first of all, what do you consider “real life”? Because the past years of Trump and now this unprecedented pandemic cancelling and posponing primaries there is no such thing as real life anymore.

The primaries aren’t over, and theoretically with a contested convention anyone could become the Dem nominee. No one dropped out, they suspended campaigns because they ran out of money. Sexual assault accusations should disqualify Biden. Put up anyone else as the nominee. 

As someone who was sexually assaulted in almost the exact same manner (not by a politician or celebrity), I have never told anyone the specifics of the situation or openly voiced my assault. I might call the guy a creep or warn another woman he’s handsy, but I don’t have to sacrifice myself to the court of public

Why play the long game when you can fix the problem now? Remove Biden from contention, there will be a contested convention, install a “safe” Dem like Klobuchar, take back the White House. Why’s it gotta be Biden? The primaries aren’t over...

Needs maintenence does not mean unreliable though. I drive a 12 year old Subaru with around 120k miles and yeah, stuff wears out. But I own my car outright, so I have and don’t mind spending the money every year or so when something needs to be replaced. I wouldn’t get a new car when the tires went bald, and I see

If you’re a Costco member, I highly recommend the king size Zinus bed set. Me, two dogs, and a husband and I’ve never slept better in my life. We’ve only had it about six months, but so far so good!

They are most likely hourly, not salaries employees. So their choice was come to work and be forced to go to the rally, or stay home and take an unpaid, unplanned vacation day. Shitty by Shell, but likely not illegal. 

As I understand, the choice was: come to work and go to the rally or don’t come to work and miss a day’s pay. Companies with mandatory overtime are usually five ten hour shifts, so employees would only work four tens, miss Friday, and miss out on a normal workday where they make time and a half. Super shitty of Shell

It’s the whole “If I don’t do it or like it, then probably no one does” logical fallacy. 3 billion YouTube videos are watched every month, obviously there are more than kids watching.

If it gets bad, I don’t know if it gets better. If it comes to an actual civil war, we’re so far outgunned and probably the cops go with Trump. I’d like to believe most of the military chooses to defend the Constitution. I find myself wondering lately if I should buy a gun, just in case. I hate the things but I’d like

I just bought a NYT subscription so I can read this article. Also it’s only $1/week right now. And I run out of my free articles every month. 

I disagree. I think we are fully marching the path Germany did, and while we aren’t quite to genocide yet, I don’t think we are as far off as you think. Remember, Hitler was in power for well over a decade, we are only 3 years in. 

I don’t have much hope because I think we’re still pre-Reichstag fire, but I feel it coming before the next election. This is bad bad bad. Trump needs his Reichstag Fire as a pretense for martial law, a national police force will be given leeway to do anything to anyone for any reason, Trump will take control of

They deeply and truly believe that Democrats are the enemy. Democrats have been so grossly maligned that a good number of them actually think Dems are on the same level as terrorist groups. They don’t think of Dems as humans, let alone fellow citizens. That’s what’s most terrifying. 

I think so. Narrator and Mateo have a lot of the same speech mannerisms, especially now that Mateo is getting older. 

Why do you feel bad though? There are lots of places that hire 18 year olds if she needs money, she made a decision on how to earn that money. It doesn’t sound like shes being forced to do this. I have a friend who was a stripper right out of high school for a few years to support herself, when it stopped being fun